O&BS Unearths Creative Talent in Best Photographer Competition

O&BS Unearths Creative Talent in Best Photographer Competition

BY The Arabian Sun / /

Operations and Business Services (O&BS) has a unique approach when it comes to engaging employees and unearthing the hidden talent within its organization. It organizes competitions that O&BS employees can enter as individuals on an equal footing without having to follow the usual hierarchical procedure of first obtaining management permission.

College Preparatory Program Students Excel on International Advanced Placement Exams

College Preparatory Program Students Excel on International Advanced Placement Exams

BY The Arabian Sun / /

Saudi Aramco’s College Preparatory Program (CPP) students, who sat for Advanced Placement (AP) International Exams during a two-week period earlier this year, not only achieved the highest AP exam grades of any previous class of CPP students but also surpassed global averages in all of the subjects tested.

Saudi National Day Celebrating the Unification of Saudi Arabia

Saudi National Day Celebrating the Unification of Saudi Arabia

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Few people in history have had the impact on their nation that Abdul Aziz ibn Abdur Rahman ibn Faisal al Saud, better known as ibn Saud, had on his. Conqueror, warrior, leader, visionary, commanding in presence, fearless in battle, cunning in negotiations...

Release of Excelsior!

Release of Excelsior!

BY Aramco ExPats / /

This story from Christmas in Khobar has never been published before. In part, it’s about the miracle of receiving a shipment which for Aramcon families in the fifties was like Christmas in July.

First came Harvey, then came Irma

First came Harvey, then came Irma

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Twice in recent weeks, major hurricanes have visited themselves upon the U.S. mainland, wreaking vast destruction with their waters and winds, claiming innocent lives in their fury, leaving enormous damage in their wakes for survivors to overcome.

Organizers of the 2018 Austin Hafla Having Fun While Making Plans

Organizers of the 2018 Austin Hafla Having Fun While Making Plans

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Planning is underway for the 2018 Austin Hafla Annuitants Reunion and by all accounts, volunteers who were able to attend the first meeting in Austin, Texas had a good time. Here's what co-hosts Bill and Judy Walker, and David and Vicki Jessich, had to say:

Shaikh Amin's Encounters with Aramcons: A Photo Series - Photo 1

Shaikh Amin's Encounters with Aramcons: A Photo Series - Photo 1

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Shaikh Amin, retired chief photographer of Aramco, is currently on his yearly tour of the USA to attend the annual Photographic Society of America conference and spend time with his family. In this photo, Tareck Elass (son of late Majed Elass, former Vice President of Government Affairs and Board Member) is seen with his family visiting Shaikh at his son's residence in Princeton, New Jersey in July of 2017.

Frankly Speaking, Life Has Been Good for Frank and Nit

Frankly Speaking, Life Has Been Good for Frank and Nit

BY Aramco ExPats / /

One thing can safely be said about long-time Aramcons: They’ve been a lot of places and seen a lot of things. Frank Anderson, badge number 094403, is no exception. Joining the Saudi Aramco family in 1977, Frank initially moved into al-Firdoz, Khobar...

Now Available, Christmas in Khobar!

Now Available, Christmas in Khobar!

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Tim Barger’s new collection of stories about 1950s Aramco, Arabia and life in general has just been released in print and e-book at Amazon. He hopes that you will enjoy it.

Friends in Need in the Face of Hurricane Harvey

Friends in Need in the Face of Hurricane Harvey

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Our hearts go out to all those impacted by the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, to our fellow Aramcons living in the area, all those at Aramco Services Company, as well, their friends and families. For those who wish to donate to disaster relief efforts, here are just a few ways you can help.

FDR and Hafeez Qureshi: Two Philatelists of Note

FDR and Hafeez Qureshi: Two Philatelists of Note

BY Aramco ExPats / /

In 1975, Saudi Aramco began construction of a series of gas plants at Shedgum, Uthmaniyah, Ju'aymah, Berri, Jubail, and Yanbu in the Eastern Province. At that time this was the largest gas gathering and processing system ever undertaken.

Wealth Strategies Series: Family Wealth Transitions

Wealth Strategies Series: Family Wealth Transitions

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

What are you missing in your estate plan? An estate plan may have been created, but many plans are still missing crucial elements that can make or break the plan. Find out if you and your family are fully prepared with our complimentary checklist!

Adventures in Duct Taping

Adventures in Duct Taping

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Is there anything one can find in their tool box or on their work bench more useful than duct tape? I doubt it. If there’s a rip in something, you can use duct tape to fix it. If a pipe is leaking, chances are you can staunch the flow of water at least for the time being by wrapping the pipe with copious amounts of duct tape.

A Tree Stands in the Desert....

A Tree Stands in the Desert....

BY Robert Lebling / /

A Saudi desert expert recently told me about an unusual tree that grows near the old town of ‘Ain Dar, in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern Province. The tree is four or five meters tall, and local lore maintains that it has been around for hundreds of years. It is extremely rare; he only knows of one other tree like it, near the archaeological site of Thaj to the north.

James Churchill: Offshore in Arabia

James Churchill: Offshore in Arabia

BY Aramco ExPats / /

It seems like most of the Aramco annuitants we’ve profiled over the years primarily spent their time in the Kingdom living in one of the four main camps—Ras Tanura, Dhahran, Abqaiq, or Udhailiyah. Last week was an exception, when we had the privilege of profiling Dr. Syed Azam Sher, the son of a Pakistani expat who spent his years in the KSA...

More Tales of Metal Haberdashery

More Tales of Metal Haberdashery

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Last month we featured an article about exquisitely-crafted hard hats certain fortunate Aramcons were able to purchase back in the ‘70s by an artisan from Iran. Since then a number of readers have written to us with similar stories. We found them fascinating and would like to share them with you.

JHAH Wellbeing Magazine - July 2017

JHAH Wellbeing Magazine - July 2017

BY Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare / /

Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Wellbeing Magazine, where the latest health and wellness news, and current and upcoming events, is available at the click of a button.

Beginning Anew: One Man’s Journey

Beginning Anew: One Man’s Journey

BY Aramco ExPats / /

The story we share with you this week is told by an Aramco brat, Erik Hebert, whose parents Cindy and Byron many of our readers know. Cindy taught first and second grade in the Kingdom while Byron worked in materials supply and project management for Dhahran Hospital Development.