Not the May Ball II - Dhahran Rugby Reunion

Not the May Ball II - Dhahran Rugby Reunion

BY Karen Jennings / /

A group of 60 former Dhahran Rugby Union Football Club (DRUFC) players and other ex-Aramcons attended a reunion weekend in Chester, England, in July 2017. The event, known as “Not the May Ball II”, was based on the original Rugby Club May Ball, which was one of the highlights of the Dhahran social calendar.

Goodbye, Saudi Arabia

Goodbye, Saudi Arabia

BY William Bauer and Leah Schmidt / /

I never intended to become an English teacher. But, I had always intended to come to Saudi Arabia. Twelve years ago I was on a train making my way to interview for a place to read Arabic at Leeds. I had never visited the Middle East, nor even heard Arabic spoken. In truth, I had little idea about anything.

This Road to Arabia Leads Through Seoul

This Road to Arabia Leads Through Seoul

BY Aramco ExPats / /

On occasion, the timing of things, the intersection of events in a person’s life, works out better when left alone than it would have otherwise had we planned everything in advance. Call it serendipity or luck or kismet or anything you like.

Hard Hats for Hardy Men

Hard Hats for Hardy Men

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Ever since the birth of "The Age of Oil" in the mid-nineteenth century thanks to the ground-breaking efforts of innovative pioneers like Abraham Gesner and Edwin Drake, few areas of human endeavor have spawned a greater number of notable characters than the oil business.

Memories of an Equal Playing Field for All

Memories of an Equal Playing Field for All

BY Aramco ExPats / /

One of the great pleasures we derive from operating this website is having the opportunity to feature stories from Aramco annuitants through which they share with readers experiences from their years of living and working in the Kingdom...

“My Dad - Now Here Is a Man”

“My Dad - Now Here Is a Man”

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Let’s face it, if you’re a retired Aramco annuitant like me, you’re not getting any younger. But the good news is, we have many wonderful memories to be thankful for and time left to make still more. And for those of you reading these words who are younger...

Changes to Your Aramco Savings Plan

Changes to Your Aramco Savings Plan

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

You may have recently received a notification of upcoming changes to the Aramco Savings Plan, which may affect you. Read on for more details.

A Silver Beaver in Arabia

A Silver Beaver in Arabia

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Over the years, newly hired expats from all over the world have arrived in Arabia to begin working for Saudi Aramco with varied levels of foreknowledge about what to expect from their new lives in an exotic land redolent of history and mystery. Fortunately for Al Denyer, Badge Number 99257...

Driven to Succeed RT - Golf Club Produces Youngest Club Champion

Driven to Succeed RT - Golf Club Produces Youngest Club Champion

BY The Arabian Sun / /

The Ras Tanura Golf Club (RTGC) produced its youngest club champion in its history with the recent win by 13-year-old Karl Reyes, who captured the 2017 Club Championship over a highly competitive field of golfers through two days of stroke-play qualifying rounds and another two days of straight-up (without the use of the handicap system) matchplay competition.

Doreen Cumberford: Busier than the Proverbial Bee

Doreen Cumberford: Busier than the Proverbial Bee

BY Aramco Expats / /

With some—certainly many, probably most—Aramco annuitants, retirement is less an exit from the working world but more an all-consuming exploration into a world of new opportunities. That certainly seems to be the case with Doreen Cumberford.

Brats to the Core, and Proud of It

Brats to the Core, and Proud of It

BY Aramco Expats / /

Who but the progeny of Aramcons would take pride in calling themselves "brats"? It's one of those ineffable mysteries of the universe that reason cannot explain. With that said, we shall forever acknowledge their cheekiness with a smile and continue to post reports about their activities and interests and gatherings, this issue being no exception.

Announcing the Graduation of Bryan Jaszczak

Announcing the Graduation of Bryan Jaszczak

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Announcing the graduation of Bryan Michael Jaszczak from Buchhold High School, Gainesville, Florida on June 3rd, 2017. Proud parents are Jeffrey of Arabia and Erin Jaszczak.

Today We Celebrate Aramco ExPats' 15th Anniversary

Today We Celebrate Aramco ExPats' 15th Anniversary

BY Aramco ExPats / /

In 2002, facing imminent repatriation back to the U.S. and wondering how, after so many years, I could stay connected to everything and everyone I had grown to love during my time in Arabia with Saudi Aramco, I formed the notion of creating a website...

Josh Shaner Weds Ashleigh Manfredi

Josh Shaner Weds Ashleigh Manfredi

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Kim and Dave Shaner are pleased to announce the marriage of their youngest son, Josh Shaner, to Ashleigh Manfredi on April 8, 2016 in Houston, Texas, USA.

Hello Odette Shaner

Hello Odette Shaner

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Odette Shaner was born to Nico and Monica Shaner and proud sister, Aurora, on September 26, 2016.  She weighed in at 5lbs 10oz. Kim and Dave Shaner are the proud grandparents.

Hello Adalynn Elise Finnerty Denyer

Hello Adalynn Elise Finnerty Denyer

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Al and Pat Denyer announce the birth of their 10th grandchild, Adalynn Elise Finnerty Denyer. Adalynn was born on April 25th, 2017, weighing in at 10 pounds 12 ounces. This is the third child and second daughter of son Steven Denyer and daughter-in-law Carrie Sue Allen Denyer who live in Arnold, Maryland.

Wandering the Road in Wheeled Luxury

Wandering the Road in Wheeled Luxury

BY Aramco ExPats / /

I never realized how rich the history of RVing was until recently when I made a visit to the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Indiana. Friends had told me before about the museum and its attractions, so when on a drive through the Midwest...

Wealth Strategies Series: Age-Based Tax Planning

Wealth Strategies Series: Age-Based Tax Planning

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

The biggest challenge in retirement is making sure your funds last you a lifetime. When you retire, you will find that income taxes do not stop when you stop working and it is for this reason that age-based tax planning should be an integral part of your overall retirement strategy.

Honoring Mothers Through the Millenia

Honoring Mothers Through the Millenia

BY Aramco ExPats / /

What is the busiest day of the year for telephone calls in the U.S.? Why, the second Sunday of May, of course. Better known as Mother's Day, this day of days for moms officially dates from the early 20th century and is more popular today than ever before.

King-sized Memories

King-sized Memories

BY Aramco ExPats / /

A dwindling number of Aramco annuitants can say they once had dinner with King Abdul Aziz, the founder of the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Gordon Ragsdale can. In fact, he can say he had dinner with the King several times.