3,001 Arabian Days: Growing Up in an American Oil Camp in Saudi Arabia (1953-1962) - A Memoir

3,001 Arabian Days by Rick Snedeker

Growing up in Dhahran in the middle of the 20th century was a truly seminal experience that shaped how the rest of my life proceeded in significant ways. It gave me the sense that all Brats have, of being a citizen of the world and not just one country. It taught me that people are much the same the world over and that the concept of “borders” is in this sense arbitrary. It gave me enormous gratitude to my parents for their decision to raise me in such an interesting, exotic place, and broadening my horizons of what is real and what is possible.

3,001 Arabian Days by Rick Snedeker
Rick and Steve
3,001 Arabian Days by Rick Snedeker
New Town Sprouting

The memoir was a culmination of years of writing it in my head before putting pen to paper. I wanted to try and capture the magic of an expatriate kid’s life in the desert, of the enormous adventure and education it was, and how it isolated my attitudes from those of my non-expat American peers when I returned to the U.S. in 1962 carrying my deepest connections to Dhahran and the Arabian environment, not America.

9/11 was profoundly confusing, having never witnessed anything remotely violent throughout my childhood in Saudi Arabia. That, too, is a part of the memoir. I invite you to take a trip down memory lane, revisiting many of the old memories we Brats all share.

3,001 Arabian Days by Rick Snedeker
Fair Donkey Races

In addition to publishing the memoir (2018), I have a second unrelated nonfiction book, “Holy Smoke,” coming out in early 2020. I also write a daily blog about secular topics, “Godzooks,” on the Patheos hub.

My memoir is available online on Amazon at a discount in paperback ($12, was $15.95) and Kindle version ($5, was $6.99) during the coming Christmas/New Year season on Amazon. Access it online here.

“Remarkably insightful … thoughtful, elegantly written.”Kirkus Reviews

What readers say about “3,001 Arabian Days” on Amazon:
“One of my all-time favorite books. So full of Americana.”
“I was mesmerized … not wanting to put the book down.”
“Heart-warming and informative … endearing, engaging.”
“Excellent book!!! … laced with lots of humor.”

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