Saudi’s Asir Province – A Photo Essay

Saudi’s Asir Province – A Photo Essay

BY Mark Lowey / /

Although retired only three short years, my wife and I jumped at the chance to return to Saudi Arabia to attend the KSA ExPats Reunion in March 2019. Saudi visitor visas were rare and difficult to obtain at that time, but Aramco seamlessly arranged visas for the reunion attendees.

A Trip Down Memory Lane with Bil Jines

A Trip Down Memory Lane with Bil Jines

BY Aramco ExPats / /

We recently had the opportunity to catch up with William (Bil) Jines who arrived in Arabia in October of 1988. Bil was a senior reservoir engineer who was in the PEASD department on loan from Mobil Oil Corp. He and his wife, Glenda, lived in Dhahran. Of particular note, the couple is soon to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary on December 23rd.

The Gift of Kings

The Gift of Kings

BY Brid Beeler / /

Of all the senses, our sense of smell is one most closely linked with memory. The slightest hint of a familiar smell can trigger powerful memories of treasured moments past. Little wonder that when I cast my mind back to my first visit to an Arabian souq, it is the tantalizing aromas that I remember first and most vividly.

Big Adventure Inside the True Arabia: Vignette from 'Life in the Camel Lane'

Big Adventure Inside the True Arabia: Vignette from 'Life in the Camel Lane'

BY Doreen Cumberford / /

Jacque graduated from college in 1985, immediately married her Greek boyfriend and within two weeks was living in the desert town of Hofuf in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. Jacque’s husband was hired by a Greek friend, who was the general engineer for a local construction company.

Ma’a Salama Saudi Arabia: Making Peace Without Closure

Ma’a Salama Saudi Arabia: Making Peace Without Closure

BY By Anushka Bose / /

I have a feeling that ExPats know a thing or two about closure. Closure is our mind and body’s way to be at peace with something we have lost—a relationship, a job, a move. For Aramcons, we all have to depart from the Kingdom at one point or another...

Arrivals: Vignette from 'Life in the Camel Lane'

Arrivals: Vignette from 'Life in the Camel Lane'

BY Doreen Cumberford / /

“WHERE AM I?” This Middle Eastern adventure living and working in KSA was certainly not unique to me. Expatriates since the early 1930s have made thousands of similar trips to this same part of the world. Eight decades of history have happened since the inception of Aramco.

Have You Retired or Been Laid Off? Here’s How You Can Access Funds

Have You Retired or Been Laid Off? Here’s How You Can Access Funds

BY Reilly Financial Advisors / /

The novel coronavirus has caused many changes in all our lives, but changes that can be particularly impactful include retiring or being laid off amid this pandemic. Reilly Financial Advisors wants to let you know that, no matter your situation...

A Princess Wedding, Saudi Style

A Princess Wedding, Saudi Style

BY Brid Beeler / /

My friend Sharon, who was involved with helping to establish the first Women’s Cancer Support Network in Riyadh (and editor of the network’s Cultural Cuisines Cookbook), was invited to the wedding of one of King Fahd’s daughters. She was told to bring a female friend and I was the lucky one.

Jewels in the Crown: Introducing the Endemic Birds of Arabia

Jewels in the Crown: Introducing the Endemic Birds of Arabia

BY Gregory Askew / /

While the Republic of Yemen, which includes the island archipelago of Socotra, dubbed the “Galapagos of the Indian Ocean”, boasts the highest number of endemic bird species of any country on the Arabian peninsula, Saudi Arabia now stands as the easiest and safest country in which to see many of these singular gems.

Behind the Sand Curtain

Behind the Sand Curtain

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Saudi Arabia and Libya share a lot in common: camels, heat, a conservative Islamic culture and most of all--a lot of sand. They are also two Arabian countries where former Peace Corps volunteer Randolph Hobler lived and worked.

Cuba – A Photo Essay

Cuba – A Photo Essay

BY Mark Lowey / /

“How was your leave?” “Where are you planning to go on holiday?” While the day-to-day workplace can be similar anywhere in the world, one of the favorite pastimes for ExPats living abroad is to discuss, seek advice, reminisce, and plan for their holidays.

Fall Migration 2020: Catch the Action at Al Ahsa’s Birdwatching Hotspots

Fall Migration 2020: Catch the Action at Al Ahsa’s Birdwatching Hotspots

BY Gregory Askew / /

With COVID-19 still limiting travel, migratory birds tease us with the purest symbol of what’s been curtailed for so many of us—the freedom of movement. Yet one unexpected gift of the pandemic-era lockdowns has been a renewed awareness of the wonders of the natural world around us.

The Great Hubby Bubbly Quest

The Great Hubby Bubbly Quest

BY Brid Beeler / /

Since my gasping, near-death introduction to smoking a hubbly bubbly in Jeddah on my first camping trip in Kingdom in 1989, I had been on a mission to purchase one of these pipes - not to smoke, but for what they represented...

Brilliant, Positive, and Funny: Remembering Cliff Peterson

Brilliant, Positive, and Funny: Remembering Cliff Peterson

BY Gregory Askew / /

I was deeply saddened at news today of the death of Cliff Peterson back in April due to complications from advanced Parkinson’s Disease. I never met Cliff in person, but he became an important online friend during my first year in Saudi—the loneliest year when I was away from my family and often out left exploring by myself.

Chris’ Story: Memories from Holidays in Dhahran

Chris’ Story: Memories from Holidays in Dhahran

BY Christopher Holder and Anushka Bose / /

The beautiful thing about holidays is that it means something inimitably different to us all. While we all coalesce and come together during holidays, certain traditions and sentiments are unique to each person or family’s story.

Eleven Years Post Retirement and Still Standing

Eleven Years Post Retirement and Still Standing

BY Aramco ExPats / /

Retirement, as defined by the Cambridge Dictionary, is the act of leaving your job and stopping working, usually because you are old. It's a rather frank definition and may ruffle a few feathers among Aramco annuitants who find they don't think of themselves as old at all.

Birds of a Feather

Birds of a Feather

BY Aramco ExPats / /

If you've ever peered out from your window or stepped out of your back door for the sole purpose of gaining a better view of a bird, you may have a touch of birder in you. On more than one occasion, Gregory Askew found himself doing just that.

My Eureka Moment – at the Saudi Post Office

My Eureka Moment – at the Saudi Post Office

BY Brid Beeler / /

When we go to a post office, it is usually to mail a letter, buy stamps or maybe pick up a package that has arrived. Few of us give it further thought. Particularly nowadays, when we can easily communicate with our families and friends...

The Art of Communication is the Language of Leadership - James Humes

The Art of Communication is the Language of Leadership - James Humes

BY Mohammed Ifteqaruddin / /

I appreciate Saudi Aramco management for their continuous support of their employees' development towards achieving the required communication and leadership skills by allowing them to not only form a Toastmaster club within the company but also permitting them to attend its meetings during working hours.