John Emmet Kelly
Word has been received from Frank Dixon, Scottsdale, Arizona, of the death, on September 11, of John Emmet Kelly, former Aramco employee.
Keith Williamson
Keith Williamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. George A.Williamson of Ras Tanura, died at Memorial Hospital, New York City, June 23.
James C. Stewart
James C. Stewart, senior translation analyst, Local Government Relations department, Dhahran, died suddenly on June 19.
William Leo Thompson
Word has been received that William Leo Thompson died on May 27 in San Antonio, Texas.
William R. Fairbank
Mrs. William R. Fairbank of Ras Tanura died on May 24 in the Dhahran Health Center.
Caroline Ruth Fallen
Memorial services were held in the Theater on April 13 for Caroline Ruth Fallen, who died April 11 at the Abqaiq hospital.
C. D. Thue
Word has been received that Mr. C. D. Thue died at his home in Beirut.
Ramo A. Natalizio
Word has been received of the sudden death of Ramo A. Natalizio in Seibo Hospital, Tokyo, Japan on February 28.
Charlotte Butler
Mrs. Charlotte Butler of Dhahran passed away last Thursday. Memorial services were held at the Dhahran Theater on Sunday evening.
Elizabeth M. Moore
Miss Elizabeth M. Moore of Dhahran died suddenly December 27.
W. E. (Reka) Richards
Mrs. W. E. (Reka) Richards died suddenly December 2 aboard ship enroute to South Africa, according to word received last week from W. E. Richards, her husband.
Ann Salisbury Lovell
Mrs. Ann Salisbury Lovell of Dhahran died suddenly, August 29, in Eureka, Calif, of a coronary thrombosis, while on long vacation.