Wiley E. Kelly
Wiley E. Kelly, machinist, assigned to the Machine Shop, Maintenance and Shops division, Abqaiq, died Sept. 26 in the Dhahran Health Center from injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident Sept. 20.
Clayton B. Brady
Funeral services were held Sunday, Aug. 25, in Dhahran for Clayton B. Brady, 50, Record Center Custodian, who died Thursday morning, Aug. 22, of a cardiac ailment in Dhahran Health Center.
Dirk Jan Visser
Dirk Jan Visser, three-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurinus Visser, Ras Tanura, died at his home Friday night, August 2.
James T. Johnson
Funeral services for James T. Johnson, Assistant Superintendent Equipment Services division, Abqaiq, were held March 31 at 10:30 a.m. in the Dhahran Theater.
John L. Fischer
John L. Fischer, teacher of mathematics and science in the Ras Tanura Senior Staff School, died at his home in West New York, N.J., while on long vacation.
John J. McGrath
John J. McGrath, Senior Construction Engineer at the Terminal area in Ras Tanura, died suddenly early Tuesday morning, Feb. 26, at the Ras Tanura Health Center.
Al S. Soldo
Al S. Soldo, Food Analyst and Restaurant Liaison Man assigned to Dhahran's Test Kitchen, who left the Field on Oct. 16 after a two week sojourn in Dhahran Health Center, died suddenly Dec. 26.
Timmy Perrine
The Sun and Flare regrets to announce the death of Timmy Perrine, 8-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Perrine of Abqaiq.
James Hart
Sun and Flare regrets to announce the death of James Hart, Manuals Analyst, Community Services department.
Janine Reeves
Sun and Flare regrets to announce the death of Janine Reeves, 10-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeves of Ras Tanura.
Tyrrell Lee Pender
Sun and Flare regrets to announce the death of Tyrrell Lee Pender, two-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pender, Dhahran, April 5 in the Dhahran Senior Staff Hospital.
Robert E. Belcher
Sun and Flare regrets to announce the death of Robert E. Belcher, Thursday, April 5, in the Dhahran Senior Staff hospital after a long illness.