JHAH Wellbeing Magazine - October 2016
Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Wellbeing Magazine, where the latest health and wellness news, and current and upcoming events, is available at the click of a button.
Welcome to the Johns Hopkins Aramco Healthcare Wellbeing Magazine, where the latest health and wellness news, and current and upcoming events, is available at the click of a button.
Stop worrying about the U.S. presidential election and start worrying about something far less controversial and much more fun, the 2016 Aramco Hafla Annuitants Reunion at the Hyatt Regency Hotel & Spa in Monterey, California starting Monday, the 24th of this month.
Everywhere you look on the map of the U.S., you'll find an Aramco annuitant or two or sometimes more. Cheyenne, the state capital of Wyoming, is no exception.
The sun was out, the sands inviting, the kites flying, the turquoise blue water, the sail boats and a little nip in the air heralding the end of summer. Yes it was a perfect day at Woodbine Beach Park in Toronto and welcomed 43 former aramcons on Sunday, September 25th, 2016, to reminisce and share the good times we had in Saudi Arabia.
Middle East… check. North America… check. Europe? Check! After decades of working with Expats and understanding the unique challenges for those living and working overseas, the team at RFA is delighted to announce the launch of our new office in Prague, Czech Republic!
In the fall of 2014 I was fortunate enough to become associated with NOH. A fellow teacher, John Lambert, became aware of this organization and introduced his Saudi Aramco Student Group to the home during their annual trip to Nepal.
During a recent 10-week stay in Texas, I found myself more deeply immersed in the food and lore of the Lone Star State than I ever had been before in my many previous trips to the land of oil wells, 10-gallon hats, Longhorn cattle and football, lots of football.
Aramcons are infamous for pursuing colorful lifesyles after their formal retirement from the company. In many cases, they become active and creative as retirees.
Ali, You and your family are in our hearts and minds with the passing of Mohammed Ali AlBaluchi.
Among the tour options available to attendees to the October HAFLA scheduled for this October is the fabled 17-Mile Drive from Pacific Grove through Pebble Beach, widely recognized as one of the most scenic drives in the world.
The real unknown of the Savings Plan is how should you allocate your funds and is your portfolio truly diversified in a manner that will best help you reach your future financial goals? That’s why we are offering a FREE Savings Plan Review, at no cost and with no strings attached, that will analyze the existing allocation of your funds!
Hello to my fellow Aramco ExPats, Aramcons are a widely-divergent group geographically, culturally, in just about every way there is to be different.
Last week we began a piece on ZeeMaps with the headline, “Where in the World are Aramco Expats?” After one week, and a number of refinements, this new feature is running well and more and more Aramcons are signing on.
When one hears the mention of Mount Everest or Annapurna, it immediately conjures up images of the towering snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas, spread across Nepal and Tibet and beyond.
Over the span of three centuries in times past, when the lookout perched atop a crow's nest on a whaling ship spied a whale surfacing and blowing air out of its blowhole, he would cry, "There she blows!"
From kindergarten until fourth grade, I went to a French Catholic school in Toronto, Canada. I started my first year at an English school when my family moved to Saudi Arabia, and I began school at Saudi Aramco.
The first known production of wine dates from over 6,000 years ago to a site in present-day Armenia where archeologists have unearthed remnants of wine production dating from 4100 BCE that include a wine press and fermentation vats.
If you are planning to attend the October 2016 HAFLA Aramco Annuitants Reunion scheduled for Monterey, California, and if are a Clint Eastwood fan, and if you are also a fan of Roberta Flack's hit song, "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face," then you'll want to make sure to register well in advance for the Movie Location Tour being planned as part of the gathering's activities.
Three great monotheistic religions originated in Arabia: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Islam was founded in the seventh century CE by the prophet Muhammad.
Aramco Brat Athena (Ashley) Simpson was born in Dhahran December 28, 1983. At 12 months she displayed very noticable hyperactivity, and by the time she was Terrible Two, many in Dhahran were aware that she was adorable, but a devil in disguise.