SAEEA Progress Meeting Minutes - July/August 2015

SAEEA Progress Meeting Minutes - July/August 2015

The progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) held on September 5, 2015: The attendees were as follows:

  • Kamal A. Farooqui (KAF)
  • Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
  • Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK)
  • Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
  • Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH)
  • Shafiq Ahmed Khan (SAK)

The highlights of the meeting were as follows:

  1. KAF highlighted the activities occurred during the months of July/August, 2015. They are:
  2. KAF with the agreement of other Members, decided to have SAEEA 14th Reunion tentatively in November, 2015. Arif Qamar, a very cooperative and active Member of SAEEA offered his services in arranging the 14th Reunion. At the same time all attendees may enjoy picnic with all the facilities viz children play games, swimming pool and lunch bufette. The Managing Committee has to inspect the place first. KAF requested Matin to make arrangement for the team visit to Arif’s place.
  3. During 13th Reunion, SAEEA announced third elections and requested all paid Members to contact SAEEA and fill out the election nomination forms. As of this date no one has contacted SAEEA for contesting the elections. KAF requested to re-announce the news in SAEEA website and see the results.
  4. KAF emphasized the need of adding new Members to run SAEEA in future. He, therefore, requested all the participants to give him names of qualified Members. He will then talk with them individually requesting to start participating in SAEEA future meetings.
  5. The Ladies Representatives, normally, do not attend SAEEA meetings, rather send their recommendations etc one day before. This time, they commented SAEEA 13th reunion and made certain recommendations. SAEEA reviewed all of their points and will implement in the next Reunion.
  6. Engr. Iqbal A. Khan (IAK) thanked KAF for providing his house for the meeting and arranging a very delicious lunch for all the attendees.
  7. SAEEA website is hacked. Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan briefed about SAEEA website under a new domain which is in operation now. KAF thanked IAK for his outstanding struggles in establishing the new website. The new website carries all leading newspapers. IAK is still working in launching addition international news papers.
  8. Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK) suggested publishing SAEEA reunion photographs in Pakistan leading newspaper(s). All attendees approved his idea and KAF requested photographer(s) start taking complete group photograph during or after the reunions.
  9. MSH presented updated SAEEA account.
  10. KAF prayed for fast recovery of (1) MSH’s Mother (2) Anwar Mirza (3) Iftikhar Ahmed (4) Mahmood Hussain (5) Zaheer Beg (6) Farough Ahmed and others
  11. If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on