J. K. Christensen
Word has been received that Mrs. J. K. Christensen has died in Los Angeles. Virginia Christensen, who was known to most of her friends as "Ginger," resided in Dhahran from 1960 to 1971, where she was well known for her work in community affairs. For the year 1964, Mrs. Chnstensen served as president of the Dhahran Women's Group, an organization of which she was an active member, and in which she served in many posts and committees. During the summers of 1970 and 1971, Mrs. Chnstensen acted as a student recreation advisor.
A memorial service was held for Mrs. Christensen on Dec. 14. Her family requests that in lieu of flowers, contributions be sent to: Gynecological Cancer Fund, UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, Calif. 90024.
Mrs. Christensen is survived by her husband James, her son Sgt. James R. Christensen, U. S. Marine Corps, her daughter, Sharnie Christensen, and her sister, Mrs. J. A. Eckhardt. J. K. Christensen may be contacted at Aramco, Box 2198, Dhahran. [Photograph]