SAEEA Website Launched
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) announced the launch of their new website on August 23, 2012. SAEEA is based in Karachi, Pakistan and holds monthly meetings. The goal of SAEEA is to reunite and strengthen old relationships made during the days of working for Aramco, share the pleasure associated with the memories made there, and to offer a place where retirees will not feel redundant. To view the website, please visit http://www.saeea.com.pk/index.php. SAEEA member Eng. Iqbal Khan says that "All SAEEA Members are requested to review all the sections of the website and write their comments on the feedback section of the website or to Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com or to Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan on khanqutub@gmail.com. Your comments are needed so that we can improve it and make it more useful to all SAEEA Members and all ex-employees of Saudi Aramco."