Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Vice President SAEEA is standing close to 25th Reunion Banner made by Shafiq Ahmed Khan Joint Secretary SAEEA.
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated its 25th Reunion and Eid Milan on May 07, 2023 at Tandoor Restaurant, Karachi. The highlights of the function are as follows:
- A total of 89 persons attended the function (52 male, 32 female and 5 children).
- Two new members; Shakeel Ur Rahman and, Saleema Kamal became SAEEA new members. Shakeel is an ex-employee of Accounts Department of Saudi Aramco. Saleema is the daughter of SAEEA President, Kamal A. Farooqi; became a Member as she wishes to be more active and take part in SAEEA all activities. SAEEA had been looking for an active lady in order to coordinate with Wives, Children and other ladies. Hope that SAEEA may fulfil its needs by adding Saleema.
- All attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- The event started with the recitation from the Holy Qur’an by SAEEA Vice President Engr. Iqbal A. Khan; followed by NAAT by Engr. Syed Waqar Fakhri.
- In absence of SAEEA Stage Secretary, Iqbal A. Khan took the responsibility and briefed complete detail of SAEEA 25th reunion program.

Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, President and Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan Vice President, SAEEA.
- In his speech, Kamal Farooqi, President, updated attendees about the activities of SAEEA in between 24th and 25th reunion.
- A total of two ex-employees and sister of one ex-employee passed away during this period. Several friends have been sick and could not attend the reunion. The other main items were:
- Assisted all SAEEA members and even non-members in joining Saudi Aramco 5th Reunion held in Dhahran Saudi Arabia. In addition, we updated on time the activities being held during the reunion from March 01 to March 14, 2023 in Saudi Arabia. Three SAEEA members; Abdul Latif Siddiqui from USA, Mahtab Saeed Khan from Karachi, Pakistan and Mohammad Abbas from Islamabad, Pakistan also attended the said reunion and you may see the detailed report in SAEEA next bulletin.
- Started issuing SAEEA bulletin on quarterly basis. The first one is very well appreciated by the members and their families. As a result SAEEA decided continuing the bulletin on quarterly basis. All Friends were requested to provide their families news to be incorporated in the bulletin.
- Arranged a very successful 3rd gathering of HALQ E SHERO ADAB on January 14, 2023. Since the place was not very spacious, we could not accommodate all interested friends. The next program will be announced soon and we will try to conduct in a bigger place.
- During the gap of 24th and 25th reunion, we lost two of our good and active friends; viz Engr. Anwar ul Hai and Mohammad Saeed Rajput. SAEEA visited residences of both deceased for condolence. Also, offered SAEEA membership to their Sons. Hope that they will come back with positive response.

Zoya Imran, Zara Imran, Yasir Abdul Hameed, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Baby Ayra Khan, Imran Ahmed Khan Ghouri, Erum Imran, Huma Majid Khan, Mrs. Rudaba Irshad, Faryal Khan.
- KAF apprised the audience that in the beginning of SAEEA reunion, our first gathering in October 2010 started with 48 members. Gradually the number increased and reached up to 267. By adding two new members, the total members are 269 now. Unfortunately, most of the Friends are not physically participating in SAEEA activities. The main reasons are; (a) Left the Country (b) Living in other cities of Pakistan (c) Sick (d) they have their other priorities.
- This new place was picked for 25th reunion/Eid Milan, as most of the members requested for a change of place. Therefore, this new place was selected but because of big number of unexpected attendees, the place became little congested. So, there was a little mismanagement noticed. SAEEA apologized with all attendees and promised arranging the next reunion in a bigger and better place.
- In between KAF’s speech and luncheon, Razi Khan broke good jokes and sang few good songs. All attendees enjoyed this mini program.
- Kamal Farooqi, President of SAEEA thanked all participants and requested them to be more active and close with SAEEA. He also praised the services of all SAEEA office bearers specially Matin and Qutubuddin.
- Kamal thanked all Friends and families for their hands in making the 25th reunion a SUCCESS.
- Kamal prayed for sick people and made dua maghferagh for diseased friends. The program concluded at 3:30 PM after getting several group and individual photographs.