A self-proclaimed Old Timer, the late Nestor "Sandy" J. Sander made many contributions to Aramco ExPats in the form of old photographs and written recollections of his early days with Aramco. He also was an esteemed member of the Old Timers annuitant group which gathered annually in California.

"Old Time" Annuitants Meet for Holiday Luncheon

Old Timers

"This year's “old-timers” reunion took place on December 1st, 2002 at the Women’s Athletic Club in Oakland, California. Nine of the 1950’s era Aramco ExPats were in attendance: Dawn and Cliff Flittie, Doris and Mike Wanty, Jean and Walter Dell’Oro, Lloyd Reed, Norah Harriss and Nestor Sander."


2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon

2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
2003 Holiday Luncheon
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Doris Wanty and Norah Harriss
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Sandy Sander
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Dawn Flittie
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Cliff Flittie
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Walt Dell'Oro
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Jean Dell'Oro
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
2003 Old Timer's Holiday Luncheon
Mike Wanty
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander

"Old Timers" Gather for Annual Luncheon

Old Timers

"On Sunday 24 April 2005, eight old, and I mean very old (all pre-1950), Aramcons had lunch at a Spanish restaurant in San Francisco."


Former Aramcons Gather for 2006 Sacramento ExPats Saudi Lunch Bunch

While not an Old Timers gathering, Sandy attended the 2006 Sacramento lunch bunch and took photos of other attendees.

Old Timers
Dick and Liz Stenstrom
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon
Old Timers
Dick Stenstrom
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Betty Delaney
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Catherine Coffman
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Courtney Coffman
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Margret and Leon Crain
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon
Old Timers
Gemma Moore
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Libby Murrell
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Mary Ellen Lorray
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Maxie Negley
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon
Old Timers
The Moores
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
The Moores
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon
Old Timers
Norm Murrell
Photo Contributed By Nestor Sander
Old Timers
Don and Carolyn Ward
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon
Old Timers
Carolyn Ward and Georgianna Spearnak
Photo Contributed By Linda Dillon

2007 "Very Old" Old Timers Luncheon

Old Timers

"At noon on Sunday, April 15th, the ‘Very Old’ Old Timers (all in Arabia before 1950) held their annual get-together at the well-decorated El Patio Español in San Francisco. It was a pleasure for the seven of us who were there. And the buffet lunch was scrumptious beyond the most Lucullian of expectations."


Really Old Old-Timers Reunion

Old Timers

"The Really Old Old-Timers Reunion was held in the Spanish restaurant, El Patio Español in San Francisco on Sunday, April 20th, 2008."



Part 2