Saudi Aramco Annuitant's Reunion

Dear Aramco Annuitants,

Karen and Albert Fallon will host the next Saudi Aramco Annuitant's Reunion which will be held in Las Vegas at the Paris Hotel and Casino, right on the heart of the Strip.

This reunion will be during the 75th Anniversary of Saudi Aramco and there are special plans for this memorable occasion scheduled September 29 - October 1, 2008.

The event will feature the usual golf, tennis, duplicate and social bridge with the addition of Mahjong and a Slots Tournament!  There will be exhibits and the Sidelines Suq.

While we are not registering for the reunion as yet, we’d like to encourage you to make you room reservation now.  There will be some Early Bird awards given according to your reservation date, so watch for announcement of the winners. The Paris Hotel is an ideal location; there is only one tower of rooms with a short walk from the elevators to the Exhibits and Ballrooms. The Paris and Bally’s are connected by a sleek hallway.

We are looking for a Golf Coordinator and a Tennis Coordinator. Anyone wishing to comment, volunteer or make suggestions may do so by contacting:

Albert and Karen

See you in Las Vegas!