Grand Eid Reunion of SAEEA Hyderabad India - November 2012
Former Saudi Aramco Employees have formed an Association at Hyderabad, India named the “Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association-Hyderabad”. An Eid party was arranged at Mr. Khan Mohammed’s (Executive member) office on November 15, 2012. Fifteen members attended.

The meeting was started with the narration of Holy Quran by Syed Habeebuddin (Vice-President). Mohammed Ifteqaruddin (General Secretary) did a Power Point Presentation recapping the previous meetings and the future plans of the association. Everyone agreed to create a web site. Mr. Syed Abdus Subhan (President) welcomed the new members and prayed for the speedy health recovery of Mr. Fazal Mohammed.

Delicious snacks and cold drinks were served. Big smiles were seen on faces of all the members by meeting old friends from all over the company’s districts. Members were asking each other about the whereabouts of kids, families and friends, since they met after a long time. It was a pleasant evening. The meeting was ended by Mr. Khan Mohammed’s vote of thanks. For more information, please contact Mohammed Ifteqaruddin, General Secretary SAEE Association India, at s.a.subhan@gmail.com.