Cvetan Sinadinovski

It is with much sadness that I write to inform you of the passing of Cvetan Sinadinovski.
I will remember him as a great colleague in Aramco and very exceptional person. Through the Dhahran Outing Group, Cvetan brought us to his country of origin to discover the treasury of Macedonia. Anyone who went on this trip remembered a beautiful country.
Cvetan obtained his undergrad and M.Sc. qualifications at Zagreb University, before relocating to Australia to undertake his Ph.D. in Geophysics at Flinders University in South Australia. He worked for several years at Aramco in charge of the Earthquake safety in Aramco. He later worked with Geoscience Australia and ANU before consulting. Cvetan contributed to our understanding of earthquake hazard and risk, ground motions, and recurrence. He also had a special interest in the seismicity of his home country, North Macedonia; last year, he submitted an Abstract to the AEES conference on a proposed study to investigate fragile geological features in Kukliciin, North Macedonia, to reveal past ground shaking intensities.
He passed away on Saturday, 25th of June 2023.
He will be missed as a friend, as a colleague, as confident…
Rest in Peace my Dear Friend Cvetan
~Tata Yasmina