Charles E. Wright
Word has been received announcing the death of Charles E. Wright on Dec. 3 in Denver, Colo.
Mr. Wright joined Aramco in early 1952 and for the next 11 years held various supervisory positions in the Abqaiq Storehouse. In 1963 he moved to the Maintenance and Shops Division where, prior to his retirement departure on May 2, 1968, he was administrative assistant and training advisor.
Chuck Wright will be best remembered in Abqaiq as the genial Master-of-Ceremonies of countless community functions. He was also a tireless worker on the Abqaiq Fair Committee, having been a member every year since its inception. Bowling and square dancing were favorite hobbies of Chucks, and he was a member of both the local bowling association and the Abqaiq Flares and Squares.
Mr. Wright is survived by his wife Virginia and two daughters, Barbara and Diana. After Dec. 15 the family may be contacted at 2483 S. Carr Ct, Lakewood, Colo., 80227.