© Anushka Bose. All rights reserved.*

Flowers, and nature at large, hold the ability to evoke many emotions in us. The saturation and vibrancy of its colors can produce a healing effect on the mind. Life in Dhahran was bright — quite literally, and herein lies the biggest contradiction. Dhahran, and all of the eastern province, is situated within a desert topography and climate. Planting trees and flowers in such a climate requires much dedication, as they need much more care and nurture. Rain was/is rare in the Eastern Province, so there was greater reliance on other man-made methods to ensure the health of plants and flowers. As such, being surrounded by biodiversity within a desert, felt like a beautiful paradox.

There was something very soothing to walk past houses and see the beautiful assortment of flowers resting in beautifully patterned pots. I remember coming home from school and seeing a runway of flowers leading up to my door, while the birds were chirping, and the sun was shining. That visual and auditory memory is still clear in my memory because I remember how peaceful and blissful I felt in those moments.
Living in Washington, D.C.—one of the greenest (literally) and most biodiverse cities in the world — I am once again reminded of the beauty of flowers and trees, and their ability to make us feel a part of something bigger. While driving down Rolling Hills Boulevard in Dhahran, there was something so special about seeing the line of Palm Trees enveloping the city. That is another fragment of memory that is frozen in time for me. A blissful and peaceful memory.

Life in Dhahran was already a paradox and contradiction in multiple ways, but the presence of so much beauty that otherwise requires the blessing of nature to sustain (rain), the existence of flowers and trees in a desert was a life-affirming energy. An energy that reminds me that no matter how barren or dry a situation is, beauty and life can grow within it, so much so, that the beauty completely changes the story. Life in contrasts and paradoxes is a beautiful thing to witness, and the beauty of flowers and greenery in a desert landscape will always be a special memory for me, both for its literal beauty and also for its metaphorical significance.

Here are some photos of flowers in the Dhahran compound, around the areas of Dhahran Main Camp. These were all taken by me between 2017 – 2020. I smile when I see these photos because it reminds me of the summers and winters I spent there. I would go on many promenades during my visit and take a host of pictures to capture the beauty and the moment I was in. I’m grateful for doing so, as it gives me the opportunity to share with the wider community now.
I miss seeing photos of the flowers there. If you currently live there and have any photos of the trees or flowers there that you’d be willing to share, I would be happy to hear from you. You can reach me at bosea9000@gmail.com.

Anushka is a current PhD Student at American University in Washington, D.C. She spent her youth growing up in Dhahran, where she attended Dhahran Elementary, Dhahran Middle School, and Dhahran Academy High School. She loves learning about new cultures and is fascinated by the diversity that brings us all together, especially the expatriate community, where the only thing that is common is that we are all different, in culture, language, and the perspectives we hold. One day she hopes to publish a book on the Third Culture Kid experience. Dhahran continues to hold a big place in her heart.
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