Tuesday, July 02, 2024, was the day I began my journey along with family from Hyderabad, India to Toronto, Canada via Abu Dhabi, where my son Zubair Mohammed Iftekhar (born in Dhahran Clinic and brought up in Saudi Arabia) resides with his wife and two children Hamza and Huzaifa (H & H).
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world”- Gustave Flaubert

On the day we arrived, Wednesday, 03 July 2024, we received the unexpected good news that our granddaughter Hamna was born at Lake Ridge Health Oshawa:

My grandchildren, H & H, pictured above, accompanied us to see their newborn sister Hamna. The following photo is of the beautiful Oshawa Health Center.

Upon receiving the good news, we distributed the imported sweets to relatives and friends.

The travel from Hyderabad to Toronto, Canada, a 16-hour journey, was comfortable as it was a business-class flight aboard Etihad Airways. We were served food, refreshments, tea or coffee, and juices.

The visit to Canada gave me an opportunity to see new places as well as meet my grandchildren which brought me joy. It was a stress-free time. The welcoming poster made by my grandkids and pictured below, made me appreciate the degree of love and happiness they have towards their grandfather (DAJAN) and grandmother (DADU).

I am enjoying the sunny summer of Canada and keeping busy with my grandchildren.

“Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.” ~Lois Wyse
By sharing the above experience and travel coverage, the message to Aramco Expat readers is that tours, travel and meeting grandchildren bring joy and renewed energy.