I, Mohammed Ifteqaruddin, Badge #140948 Technical Advisor Mechanical Services Ras Tanura Refinery, attended the Saudi Aramco ex-employee Association, Hyderabad, India meeting held at the residence of the General Secretary by the Managing Committee on 21st August 2022, snacks were arranged.
In the meeting, I was unanimously elected as President of the association.
I previously served as the General Secretary of the association from 2011, the day of its inception until 2021.
The by-election took place as the previous President, M.A. Quader Muneer, passed away during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Effective immediately the following are the current Managing Committee executive members of the association:
- Syed Abdul Qader - General Secretary
- Mohammed Ifteqaruddin - President
- Mir Masood Ali - Vice President
- S. Ahmed - Joint Secretary
- Altaf Saeed - Treasurer

With the help of the Aramco Expats publication, we would like to inform you that it was decided to call a general body meeting on October 16, 2022, to meet and greet all the members.
Keeping this quote of Mahatma Gandhi in mind, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others,” every executive member enjoys and gives their time for the noble cause.
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks.