Shafiq A. Khan, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Arif Qamar.

SAEEA progress meeting is ongoing with five office holders.
The progress meeting of the Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on August 6, 2022 at Faran Club, Karachi, Pakistan.
The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Shafiq A. Khan (SAK)
- Arif Qamar (AQ)
Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan and Muhammad Salim Hamid are out of the country and expect to return very soon to participate in the forthcoming reunion gathering.

Kamal Ahmed Farooqi-President SAEEA

Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan-Vice President SAEEA

Shafiq Ahmed Khan-Joint Secretary SAEEA

Mohammed Abdul Matin-Coordinator SAEEA

Arif Qamar-Event Organizer SAEEA
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- This was the 3rd meeting of the current year (2022). KAF thanked all attendees who spared their time during the current rainy weather.
- It was decided in SAEEA's previous meeting to increase the annual subscription from Rs.3000 to Rs.4000 per year. Now, SAEEA to start the collections.
- As a result of rainy weather and other political situation, SAEEA 24th reunion and Eid Milan were rescheduled twice. Now, the new tentative date is September 11, 2022. KAF requested AQ to look for a good place for the event. The final decision will be made once the survey is completed.
- It has been decided to have a speaker during the reunion program. The speaker will be allowed 5 to 7 minutes only to speak on a very hot topic in the existing atmosphere.
- In absence of MSH, Matin presented SAEEA account update.
- It has been SAEEA’s main objective to include children of ex-Aramcons in SAEEA activities. During the forthcoming reunion, Owais Atta, son of an ex-Employee will assist SAEEA; mainly at the reception desk. This will be a step forward in handing over the responsibilities to new young blood for smooth running of the Association in future.
- Currently, SAEEA running two What’s App groups; (a) SAEEA Members and (b) SAEEA Chatting group. For some reason, all the SAEEA Members are not part of these groups. KAF requested to inject the names of all SAEEA Members into the group “SAEEA Members”. In this group, no one is allowed to input any material except the Group Admin; who, normally places SAEEA-related news only. The other group “SAEEA Chatting Group” allows mutual chat exchange, etc. from all the participants. Entry into this group will remain optional. If you wish to join the group, just request the group Admin, and he will enter your name.
- Few SAEEA members make unnecessary changes in SAEEA groups. It is requested to all the members not to change or enter unnecessary material. Very recently a member changed the ICON of SAEEA Chatting group. KAF requested the Group Admin to re-adjust the old ICON.
- IAK updated WEB situation.
- KAF prayed for all sick people; and duae maghferagh for the following who passed away in between the 23rd reunion (Jan 16, 2022) and August 06, 2022. They are: (1) Ex-Employee Waqar ul Hasan Khan (2) Ashraf Nizami, died in the USA. (3) Mohammad Salim Awan (4) Malik Kaleemullah (5) Syed Wali Moin Hashmi (6) Zahid Ahmed Khan (7) Indian national: Shaikh Ahmed; Relatives of ex-employees (1) Mrs. Engr. Iqbal A. Khan (2) Mrs. Mohammed Hanif (3) Sister of Anwar ul Hai (4) Sister of Ovais Akram Ali (5) real uncle and father-in-law of MAM, Mohammad Abdul Mughni (6) Wife of Qamar Rafi Khan (7) Brother of Mansoor Ali (8) Wife of late Shamim Siddiqui.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com.