Left to Right : Shafiq Khan, Arif Qamar, Mohammad Abdul Matin, Kamal A. Farooqi, Engr. Iqbal Khan, Ovais Akramali
The meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) held on February 25, 2017 at Ovais Akramali’s house. Ovais is one of very active and cooperative Members of SAEEA.
The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal A. Farooqui (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan (SAK)
- Arif Qamar (AQ)

Kamal A. Farooqi, President SAEEA presenting the gifts to Mrs. Samina Ovais and welcoming her to SAEEA as Ladies Representaive
- The meeting started with recitation of Holy Quran by the President, Kamal A. Farooqui.
- KAF thanked Ovais Akramali for providing place and arranging delicious lunch for SAEEA Office bearers.
- KAF updated all attendees about SAEEA activities during January/February, 2017.
- SAEEA unanimously decided to request wife of Ovais Akramali, SAMINA to join SAEEA as Ladies Representative; which she accepted. Although SAEEA have two Ladies Representatives, however, there was a dire need for the third Ladies Representative.
- KAF apprised the attendees that few needy SAEEA Members have been approaching for some monetary assistance. All SAEEA Members should clearly understand that SAEEA does not get any monetary assistance from anywhere. The Association is being run by Members contributions only. Therefore, the Association is not in a position to assist any Member.
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, General Secretary is currently out of Country and could not attend the meeting. However, GQK is always in touch with SAEEA Office bearers and all Members as well.
- KAF requested Arif Qamar to make survey in order to find a place for SAEEA 17th reunion.
- IAK updated about the website.
- SAK managed to print Office bearer’s business cards. The Cards were very liked by all the attendees.
- SAK prepared and presented SAEEA Office bearers Identification Cards for review and approval. All the attendees reviewed and made very tiny corrections. The Cards will be ready before the next reunion.
- MSH could not attend the meeting; therefore, there was no update on SAEEA account.
- KAF prayed for all sick Friends.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or Write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com.