SAEEA Monthly Progress Meeting Minutes – May 2014
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on May 03, 2014.

The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan (SAK)
- Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH)

The highlights of the meeting were as follows: KAF highlighted the activities occurred during the month of April 2014.
- KAF thanked IAK who provided his house for the meeting and arranged a very delicious lunch for all the attendees.
- KAF with the agreement of all attendees, requested MAM to book a place for SAEEA 10th Reunion to be held on Sunday, May 18, 2014.
- KAF and other attendees thanked MAM and SAK for sparing their valuable time to visit Syed Moin Hashmi, who was recently successfully operated and released from the hospital.
- IAK informed all the attendees that SAEEA website is updated. He requested all SAEEA Members to visit the website and leave their comments, suggestions and recommendations.
- MSH presented the updated SAEEA Accounts to all attendees.
- MAM informed that the SAEEA souvenir will be arriving in two days time. MAM and KAF thanked MSH,GQK and SAK for helping MAM in finalizing the souvenir. The souvenir will be presented to all PAID MEMBERS (Free of cost) during the 10th Reunion. Non-paid Members and dependents may also have the souvenir against payment.
- As agreed in previous meeting to hold Eid Milan/11th Reunion in a Farm House; MAM finalized his survey and submitted a consolidated report to all the attendees. All SAEEA Members approved to go for a picnic in the first week of August 2014. All Members will be informed the detailed program during the 10th Reunion.
- SAK finalized the newly designed logo for SAEEA which is unanimously approved. The same will be used in all future correspondence and SAEEA souvenir.
- KAF and other attendees congratulated M. Salim Hamid for the two new arrivals in his family. His two sons Faraz and Shahzad got a son Master Hashir and a daughter Baby Muntaha during a four days gap last month.
- KAF prayed for all sick people, especially for M. Jamil Shamsi, Abu Iftikhar, Iftikhar Ahmed, Anwar Mirza, Safdar Mirza and others.

If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on