Sher Ali, Engr. Iqbal Khan, Kamal farooqi,
Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Mohammad
Abdul Matin, Shafiq Ahmed Lhan
SAEEA Monthly Meeting for January 2012
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on January 03, 2012. The following were the attendees:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Sher Ali
- Mohammad Abdul Matin
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan
Following are the highlights:
- Kamal A. Farooqi highlighted the activities during the month of December 2011. The most important item was to contact the President, Saudi Aramco Former Employees Association, Punjab. Kamal gave him acquaintance about Sindh based SAEEA. He will contact the President and other office bearers again to establish a mini bridge in between the two Associations.
- The next SAEEA function will tentatively be held in February 2012. Mr. MA Matin and Mr. Shafiq A. Khan are working in finalizing the details.
- The agenda for the upcoming function was discussed and few items were finalized.
- The web site for SAEEA is under construction. The tentative URL for the SAEEA Website is http://www.saeea.humsaa.com . All members and well wishers are requested to visit the site and write their comments and suggestions so that we can incorporate in the web site.
- SAEEA accounts details was discussed and a report to be submitted in the next meeting.
- Mr. Qutubuddin Khan, Mr. Mohammad Abdul Matin and Engr. Iqbal A. Khan visited Saifee Hospital where Ex-Employee Mr. Qamar Ali is admitted. It is requested by all SAEEA Members to pray for the fast recovery as he is not in good condition. Qamar Ali worked in Jeddah and Dhahran. Before his retirement he was working for Industrial Security & Fire Protection Department.
- SAEEA member Mr. Muzammil Hussain Khan Afridi Badge No. 73093 expired on December 13, 2011 Inna Ellah Wa Inna Allah Rajeon-May ALMIGHTY rest his soul in eternal peace and forgive all his sins and shower HIS BLESSING and give sabar to all his near and dear ones and all friends and family members, Ameen.
- Last but not the least Mr. Kamal Ahmed Farooqi made Dua for all the diseased and all the SAEEA members and their spouses who are sick.

If you have any question or comments then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on Cell No. +92-321-701-4929 or write him on e-mail iqbalkhan.2010@live.com.