SAEEA Monthly Meeting Minutes for August 2012

The monthly meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) Sindh based was held on August 01, 2012. The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Sher Ali
- Mohammad Abdul Matin
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan
- Muhammad Husain Rizvi
- Muhammad Waseem
Following are the highlights:
- Kamal A. Farooqi welcomed M. H. Rizvi and M. Waseem, who are SAEEA honorable members and wished to attend the meeting. Both the gentlemen shared their ideas with SAEEA office holders.
- KAF updated all attendees about current progress of SAEEA Website. SAEEA has to finalize eight pictures for flash banner, include membership form, marriage data form and total number of SAEEA Members; which is around 200. SAEEA is trying its best to launch the website before August 29th reunion - Eid Milan.
- SAEEA by-laws are still under review with a professional lawyer. Once the by-laws are finalized, SAEEA will then start working towards registration of the Association with the Government.
- SAEEA decided to designate one current Saudi Aramco Pakistani Employee, who may provide updated information about Pakistanis currently working for the Company or still living in Saudi after retiring from Saudi Aramco. In this connection, Mr. Mohammad Aijaz has accepted the responsibility.
- Reviewed the paperwork to be used during the forthcoming 5th reunion. In this connection, a meeting will be held between all SAEEA office bearers and Co-opted Workers a few days before the function.
- The Treasurer, Sher Ali presented the updated accounts of SAEEA. KAF requested Mr. Rizvi to audit the account and provide his feedback to Sher Ali and other SAEEA office bearers.
If you have any queries or comments, please contact Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan at +92-334-372-9930 or email