Qazi Naseer, Razi Khan, Mohammad Abdul Matin, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan, Jamiluddin Shaikh, Arif Qamar, Shafiq Ahmed Khan, Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan, Ovais Ata Ur Rehman
Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated its 24th Reunion on September 11, 2022 at Arena Club, Karachi. The highlights of the function are as follows:
- A total of 91 persons attended the function (48 male, 29 female and 14 children).
- Four new members; Iqbal Tasneem, Qazi Muhammad Qassim, Dr. Shagufta Naseer and Dr. Qazi Abdul Basit joined SAEEA as new members. Iqbal Tasneem still lives in Saudi Arabia and Qazi Muhammad Qassim in Canada; both of them could not attend the reunion, however, they will definitely attend SAEEA future events if they are in town. Dr. Qazi and Dr. Shagufta are children of ex-employee Qazi Naseer. SAEEA has continuously been looking for youth (children of ex-employees) who may come forward and lend a hand in growing the group and making it interesting for all of its members and their families.
- All attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- The event started with the recitation from the Holy Qur’an by SAEEA Vice President Engineer Iqbal A. Khan; followed by NAAT by Engineer Syed Waqar Fakhri.
- Stage Secretary, Syed Shahid Ali, briefed about the Club restrictions and complete detail of SAEEA 24th reunion program.
- Dr. Qazi Abdul Basit (new SAEEA member) delivered a short but very informative speech on the current epidemic.
- In his speech, Kamal Farooqi, President, updated attendees about the activities of SAEEA
- In between the 23rd and 24th reunions, a total of four ex-employees, wives of three members and close relatives of three members passed away. Several friends have been sick and could not attend the reunion.
- Kamal Farooqi apprises the audience that this event is celebrated mainly for Eid and also for SAEEA to complete its twelve years on October 10, 2022. Eid celebrations are late because of bad weather and also because of City election activities during this period.

Engr. Iqbal Khan and Syed Shahid Ali.

Mohammad Abdul Matin, Kamal Ahmed Farooqi and his daughter conducting the lucky draw.
- Saudi Aramco to celebrate the 5th Reunion in the first quarter of next year. Kamal informed all the audience and offered services/assistance of SAEEA General Secretary, Ghulam Qutubuddin as he attended Saudi Aramco’s last reunion.
- On this occasion of Eid and SAEEA completion of twelve years, Kamal announces cash prizes on a lucky draw basis. Also, two cash prizes were given in the ladies section who qualified against the simple questions.
- The Club has huge facilities for children's games. So, all the children enjoyed playing different games.
- As a result of increased prices in all the good event places, SAEEA has no other choice but to increase its annual subscription. So, the members paid the subscription with an increased amount.
- Kamal briefed about the SAEEA account. He also informed the audience to contact SAEEA Finance Secretary; if they wish to have clarification of any of their query.
- The food and atmosphere of the Hotel were tremendous and very well-liked by all attendees.
- Kamal Farooqi, President of SAEEA thanked all participants and requested them to be more active and close with SAEEA. He also praised the services of new members Razi Khan who assisted SAEEA at the reception area and Owais Ataurrahman who is the son of an ex-employee and became an SAEEA member during the 23rd reunion program.
- Kamal thanked all Friends and families for their hands in making the 24th reunion a SUCCESS.
- Kamal prayed for sick people and made dua maghferagh for diseased friends.
- The program concluded at 3:30 PM after getting several group and individual photographs.