Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated its 18th Reunion on March 03, 2018 at Arena Club, Karachi. The highlights of the function are as follows:
- A total of 131 persons attended the function (72 male, 49 femaleand 20 children). If you compare SAEEA previous Reunions, this time too, the number of attendees was very encouraging. The main reasons:
- Several ex-employees, living outside Pakistan are here in Pakistan on visit. It was their heartily desire attending SAEEA Reunion.
- Several ex-employees became SAEEA Members earlier but attended the reunion for the very first time
- Three new Members joined. They are Anwarul Hai, Abdul Hakeem and Mrs. Memona Anwar.
- The location of Arena Club is in the heart of the City; so it was easy for every Member reaching the destination.
- The reunion timings suit most of the Members.
- There is a large number of games within the Club; so it is a big attraction for the children.
- It was SAEEA 2nd function at the same Club.
- Lucky Draw and few other gifts had also attractions for attendees.
- All attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- SAEEA regular Secretary, Syed Shahid Ali is out of Pakistan. Therefore, the charge took over by SAEEA Vice President, Engineer Iqbal Ahmed Khan.
- The event started with the recitation from the Holy Qur’an by Hafiz Ibtisam; following by NAATS by two ex-employees Ms. SW Fakhri and Younus Shaikh respectively.
- In his speech, Kamal Farooqui, President, updated attendees about the activities of SAEEA.
- Normally; SAEEA does not repeat SAEEA activities right from the very beginning. However, there were several newcomers who wished to have a complete background of SAEEA. So, Kamal briefed SAEEA from the day of its inception i.e. October 11, 2010. As of today, we have 234 SAEEA Members, out of 234, 22 passed away. SAEEA two Members passed in between 17th and 18th Reunions.
- Mrs. Memona Anwar is the wife of SAEEA very active and supportive Member, Anwar Mirza. After the death of Anwar, his Wife wished to get regular Membership and attend all future SAEEA Functions. Kamal praised her wishes and welcome her on board.
- Kamal Farooqui thanked Abdul Jabbar Khan, who is currently in Pakistan on a visit and has been a big supporter of SAEEA right from the very beginning. Jabbar promised to continue his support.
- One of the SAEEA pillars, Ateequrrahman Khan passed away last year. His Son, Tariq also attended and promised his assistance; similar to his Father.
- SAEEA had a visitor from our neighbor Country. Kamal appreciated his attendance and good wishes about SAEEA. Kamal presented a gift on behalf of SAEEA.
- Kamal also presented a gift to Hafiz Ibtisam who recited Qur’an.
- Dr. Ataurrahman is the Son-in-Law of SAEEA Vice President, Engineer Iqbal A. Khan. Dr. Ataurrahman delivered a brief speech on diabetes. It was very educational, informative and was liked by all the audience.
- Kamal Farooqui, President of SAEEA thanked all participants and requested them to be more active and close with SAEEA.
- Kamal thanked all Friends for their hands in making the eighteenth reunion a SUCCESS.
The program concluded at 6:30 PM after getting several group and individual photographs.