Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) celebrated 12th Reunion on March 01, 2015 at Arena Club Karachi. The highlights of the function are as follows:
- Arena Club is one of the top Clubs in town. A total of 145 persons attended the function (80 Male, 47 Ladies and 18 Children).
- All the attendees met with their old buddies and enjoyed the event.
- SAEEA booked the Jharoka Hall in Rangoli of the Arena Club for Brunch; therefore, all the attendees had to go for breakfast immediately. After their breakfast Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF), President SAEEA, delivered a very short speech. In his speech, KAF announced names of those friends who are going to attend Saudi Aramco Reunion –scheduled to be held on March 07, 2015 at Dhahran. He requested all the members to contact these friends, if they need any assistance etc. from Saudi Aramco or from Saudi Arabia.
- KAF requested youngsters to come forward and take part in SAEEA activities as they have to run the association in future.
- SAEEA regular Ladies Representative, Mrs. Younus Shaikh is leaving Pakistan to join her son in USA and settle there for good. KAF thanked Mrs. Younus Shaikh for her outstanding Services with SAEEA. Mrs. Manzoor Shaikh presented a bouquet and gifts to Mr.& Mrs. Younus Shaikh on behalf of SAEEA.
- On request of many SAEEA Members, Mr. Younus Shaikh recited a “NAAT” as all will be missing this since he will not be in future SAEEA Reunions.
- While concluding his speech, KAF prayed for those friends and families who passed between 11th and 12th reunions.
- All attendees appreciated the arrangements made for the 12th Reunion by the office holders of SAEEA. They enjoyed the atmosphere, food and the games against the tickets provided to each participant to enjoy these games available at Arena Club like-Bowling, Ice Skating, Table Tennis and many more.
- Four additional persons joined the Association and became Members. They are as follows:
- Mr. Khalid Ahmed Khan Badge # 75942-1984 thru 2014 - Dhahran Health Clinic
- Mohammad Wasi Jaffery Badge # 72709-1974 thru 2005 - CSD Dhahran
- Kamal Anwar Badge # 74467-1978 thru 1988 (On Job Training) - Ras Tanura
- Syed Khorshid Haider Naqvi Badge # 72717-1974 thru 2000 - Loss Prevention Dhahran