Remat Ul Alameen Welfare Organization (RAWO) has taken a bold step in launching a welfare project outside Karachi. A Tube Well (TW) Project has been launched in outskirt of D. I. Khan District. It’s a remote area devoid of all facilities. No water, no electricity, no communications, no economic activity etc. Agriculture and cattle grazing is in a most primitive stage which is centuries old. It depends on rains in the mountains and the runoff is used as water source for all purposes. The rain fall is not regular thus causes draught and famine of highest order. In these circumstances, provision of Tube Well in the area is a great blessing for all.
Installation of Tube Wells at Village Thallian

General view of the village Thallian
- Thallian is a small village at a distance of about 50 miles west of D. I. Khan (Dera Ismail Khan). It’s all mud houses except the mosque. There is no electricity in the entire area. There is hardly any economic activity in the area except agriculture and cattle grazing, which depends on rains which is very scanty. The sub soil water is brackish and unfit for human and agriculture purposes.

View of Village Thallian

Mosque in the village
- Drinking water is to be brought from distance, from rain accumulated ponds or from tanks filled with spring water. The animal’s drinking water is also from ponds.

Drinking water pond

Animal pond for the animals
- The area is plain and barren with wild growth of Kiker and Peelo. It is crises cross by dry nallahs in between lays the open land available for cultivation. A series of Mountain Range lies about 30 miles further west. Cultivation is possible when it rains in the Mountains and water rushes down in the plains. Most of the time people wait for the rains to come. It usually takes place after 2 to 3 years.

Cultivatable Land Surrounded by Wild Growth
- The sub soil water at shallow depth is brackish. Deep drilling up to 300 ft is required to get regular supply of reasonably good water. The water is available at 70 to 80 ft deep that can be used for drinking and cultivation purposes. However it is quite expensive to install deep Tube Wells in the area.
- The aim of RAWO is to uplift the people economically. In that it is planned to support financially, boring of deep TWs, to generate dependable agriculture and to provide portable water at their door step.
Pilot Project
- To fulfill our aim we installed first TW as a gift to Qari Saifullah in his residence in Thallian village in November 2017. Drilling was done up to 275 ft and water was pumped out from 80 ft depth using diesel pump. The cost was approximately Rupees two hundred thousand only. The TW function was satisfactory, it irrigated large areas and produced reasonably good crop in a short time. At the same time portable drinking water is also available to the whole village at their door step. (Water tested at Dow Medical University Karachi). The regular expenditures on Diesel were quite a big strain. Now it is converted to Solar Power with additional expenditures.

Pilot Tube Well at Qari Saifullah House

Cultivation by the Pilot Tube Well at Qari Saifullah residence-Qari Saifullah - Extreme left
Installation of 2x Additional TWs
- After successful working of Pilot TW, two more TWs are installed near Thallian Village. The first TW was a gift to Qari Saifullah and the other under Micro Finance Scheme of RAWO.

ube Well Drilling is in progress for Qari Saifullah - Qari Saifullah in the centre
Technical Details
- Data
- Depth of Boring - 270 ft
- Depth of Strainer / Submersible Pump - 80 ft
- Diameter of Bore Pipe - 2 in
- Solar Panels - 13 no’s
- Power of Each Solar Panel - 250 Watts
- Type of Panel Frame - Pole Mounted, Rotatable
- Quality of Water - Portable, Fit for Human Consumption
Financial Details
- Cost of One Tube Well
- Cost of Drilling (Including Submersible Pump) = Rs 125, 000
- Solar Panels 13no’s = Rs 1, 17, 000
- Inverter = Rs 21,000
- Frame = Rs 40,000
- Electric Wiring = Rs 6000
- Labor Charges = Rs 2500
- Transportation Charges = Rs 1800
- Misc = Rs 4700
- Total Cost = Rs 318, 000
Land Cultivation
- D. I. Khan has extreme climate, very hot in summer and very cold in winter. The Sun shine duration is very long and bright. A Tube Well with 2” outlet energized by Solar Power shall be able to irrigate about 70 to 80 Kanals of land. The land is very fertile and virgin does not need fertilizer.
Commercial Benefits
- Crops Period & Assessment of Income
1st & 2nd Months of the year
Next 4 Months
6 x Months
Type of Crops
Green Fodder
Bajra, Juar, Maiz, Melon
Wheat, Gramm, Fodder
Income per Kanal Total/50 K
Rs 3000 / Rs 150, 000
Rs 5000 / Rs 250, 000
Rs 3000 / Rs 150, 000
Total = Rs 550, 000
Note: For assessment of income, only 50 kanals of land per TW have been considered for cultivation. Whereas 80 kanals or more land could be cultivated by one TW only.
The quality of water is portable as per Test Report from Dow Medical University Karachi.
At present all the three TWs are in operation. The expenditures are:
1st TW - Installed in Nov 2017, cost 2xLacs, converted to solar power
2nd TW - Installed in Qari Sahib land, 2 km from village
3rd TW - Installed 2km from village, under Micro Finance Scheme
Added Cost: Rs 118, 000
Added Cost: Rs 318, 000
Added Cost: Rs 318, 000
The financial return from the Micro Finance TW shall decide the further installation of Tube Wells in D. I. Khan suburb.
Provincial Government and other agencies shall be contacted for assistance in drilling etc. Knowledge about the quantitative and qualitative value of the aquifer shall also be acquired to assess the life of the Tube Wells.
February 2018, on Solar Power
Based on Micro Finance System of RAWO
As per our future plans, we shall be visiting D. I. Khan in Sept or October 2018, will Insha Allah install two more TWs under Micro Finance System, depending on the state of recovery from 3rd TW, and also on the financial state of RAWO at that time.