Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Rehmatul Alameen Welfare Organizations (RAWO) has been working on welfare projects for the poor families with your kind support & cooperation since 2014. Two setups were established in 2014 in Korangi & in Village Thallian near Dikhan. Distribution outlets in Landhi, Sirjani Town, Dalmia Road, Sultanabad etc were also established. Glimpse of some of the welfare works are enumerated below.
Flood Victims: The disaster in Pakistan due to Floods & Price hike has completely ruined the poor families. Rehmatul Alameen Welfare Organization in its own limited means is trying to help the affectees.
The effort is to support:
- Rebuild Repair Houses
- Increase Zakat Fund
- Increase Micro-Finance Funding
- Marriage Support
- Medical Support
- Ration Support
- Provide Clothing
- Installation Hand-pump

The Organization itself helping the poors but it is a colossal work

Marriage Support, poor family Cash Rs 30,000, Dinner set & other items.

Medical Support accident case.

Girls Dresses Distribution

Hand Pumps Installation in poor localities.

Quilt Supply to poor families.

Issue of winter clothings to boys and girls.

Distribution of dresses to the children.

Qurbani and preparation of meat for Distribution on Eid ul AZHA.

Wheel chair provided to a disabled boy.

Rains effected Mud houses repair under taken.
Welfare Works in H1-2022
The welfare work carried out with your kind support during first half of 2022 is quite satisfactory and covering various activities as follows:
- Supply of winter clothing & Eid dresses to boys & girls in our D. I. Khan setup

- Ration Support before Ramzan and Eid.
The Ration Support was carried out in several Karachi areas such as,
- Korangi
- Landhi
- Sirjani Town
- Akhtar Colony
- Dalmia
The distribution was in two stages, before Ramzan & then before Eid

- Before start of winter, Quilts & Mattresses were handed out to poor families in Karachi & Hyderabad

- Ration Support to Afghanistan People
After withdrawal of US troops, Afghanistan is in very bad condition. With your financial support, RAWO organized to send Ration via Chaman and Torkhham borders through other Agencies.

Col Mughni from Askari 4 Karachi, addressing at Chaman border at the time of delivery of Ration Trucks

- Hand Pumps Project
Hand Pumps were installed in Hyderabad & interior of Sind in Badin area. Around 60 to 70 hand pumps were installed in the poor localities of interior Sind with your kind support.

- Financial Support to Poor Families by providing Chickens for Commercial Purposes

- Support to a Poor Family for Wedding

- Milad & Eid Millan at Korangi Setup

Children in their Eid Dresses
- Medical Support

Two cases of serious nature were handled.
- A poor woman case went very serious during Caesarean child birth. Financial support was provided for recovery from ventilator
- A poor woman with sugar diabetes is under treatment for Imputation of her legs. Both legs seriously affected.
- Tube Well

Performance at D. I. Khan Setup
- Preparation for Eid ul Azha
5x cows have already been purchased for Qurbani on Eid at D. I. Khan Setup for meat distribution to poor families

Dear brothers and sisters, Rehmatul Alameen Welfare Organizations owes a great deal of gratitude to all of you for your kind support and assistance for all its welfare works. Few of the welfare works have been mentioned above. However a large number of beneficiaries are from the Micro-Finance System (nearly 500). They are running their own small business independently.
We pray to Allah SWT to accept our joint efforts and make it a Sadaqa-e-Jaria for all the times to come, here in this world as well as for hereafter. Ameen, sum-ameen.
With best respect and regards,
Sincerely yours,
Col Javed Majid Siddiqui
(Rehmatul Alameen Welfare Organization)
+92 346 2052544
30A street 9 Askari 4 Karachi
Bank Account Details
Title: Javed Majid Siddiqui
- Askari Bank - Clifton Branch
Account Number: PK64 ASCM 0000 1501 0002 8740 - Meezan Bank - DHA Phase II Branch
Account Number: PK64 MEZN 0001 1501 0018 8717