A feature available on our website that many readers are not aware of is our link to an archive containing old issues of one of the great Saudi Aramco publications from yesteryear, the Arabian Sun and Flare. This came to our attention when one of our readers commented on how much she enjoyed reading an issue of the Sun and Flare from April 30, 1969. Aramco ExPats, Lois (Conklin) Savery writes in her email to us: In the June 25 issue of "ExPats", in the archives section showing old issues of the "Sun and Flare, the issue of April 30, 1969 (include link to newspaper) included on page three an article about Kleine Walsertal.At the time of this edition, April 1969, our friends, Linda and Hank Dillon, lived in Abqaiq as did my family and I (Ross and Lois Conklin, Cathy and Caryn). Perhaps it was this very article which later led to Linda and I going on our first ski trip, to Kleine Walsertal, where we learned to ski.Skiing has provided much enjoyment since then with skiing taking us to many beautiful places over the years! Linda and Hank now live at Lincoln Sun City, about twelve miles from where my husband Mel and I live, in Citrus Heights, CA. Lois (Conklin) Savery To access old issues of the Arabian Sun and Flare from 1945 through 1969, click here. Enjoy!