Based on an invitation, I, Mohammed Ifteqaruddin, Badge #140948, Technical Advisor Mechanical Services, Ras Tanura Refinery Maintenance Department attended the “Learning and Development Awards 2024” (L & D Awards 2024) Event.

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

This wonderful and informative event took place at “t-Hub” Hyderabad (A community space for startups, investors, incubators, and accelerators in India).

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

The t-Hub is surrounded by huge beautiful buildings:

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad
New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

This event took place under the umbrella of the “Indian Society for Training and Development” (ISTD) Hyderabad Chapter. I have been a life member of ISTD since the year 2018. Following is the schedule of the event:

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

The Flexi-Stand was welcoming the guest and participants:

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

The event started with Registration and Networking over Hi-Tea

The following actions took place:

  • Panel Discussions
  • Award Presentations
  • Vote of Thanks
  • Networking Dinner
New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

In the above picture, Amar Chegu addresses the audience.

The following is the organizers' and committee members' group picture.

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

While I was in Aramco, I was trained as a Group-Classroom and Craftsman Trainer in the years 1997 and 1982 respectively:

New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad
New Waves - Learning and Development Hyderabad

Based on my Aramco background, I have joined ISTD to share my experience with young people.

With this report, I invite the Global Aramco Expats community to visit the Hi-Tech City Hyderabad, whenever you visit India, it is known as the Information Technology hub.

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.” - Anthony J. D’Angelo