A GoFundMe campaign has been created by loved ones in memory of Heather Boyes. Heather is the daughter of Terry and Margaret Boyes and sister to Scott Boyes. The family lived in Dhahran from 1980-2000. The fundraiser has been organized by Jason Nijim and Paul Allen. They write:
This amazing opportunity is to remember our dear friend, mother, and a treasured daughter. May she be at peace now with no constant worries and pain.
Heather is celebrated not only by Mr. and Mrs. Terry and Margaret, her brother Scott, but very much by her children and their wonderful father, Mr. Chad Anderson. We wanted to create this as our group of close-knit family from all of our time spent with The Boyes throughout the years, and to take the opportunity to "pay it forward" for the benefit of careers and college to whatever extent anyone can provide for such a wonderful family! Scotty is still overseas at Aramco and we wish him all the best in his career there!! Here are some highlights of what Heather's legacy is up to now!
Dane, who is now 24 years old, is working with his dad to learn the business of real estate construction!
Ms. Brielle, age 22, is moving towards a medical career and studying nursing for aesthetics!
And last but certainly not least is Luke aka "Lukey" who is 16 and navigating through high school to surprise everyone with his profession choice!
There is no doubt that all of our hearts have been touched and saddened by Heather's health trials in life, but in her remembrance, we will also have the good memories as well as the comfort of knowing she no longer has to struggle with constant failing health at such a young age.
I hope this finds everyone who reads it in good health and mind, again this memorial account is only for those who feel are able to contribute and there is no doubt her kiddos will appreciate it for a lifetime to come!!
All donations will be sent through to the children's father, Chad Anderson.
Please feel free to reach out directly to the family.
Mr. Chad Anderson
39613 North Graham Way
Anthem, AZ 85086