Many a baby boomer in the U.S. learned the English lyrics to "The Happy Wanderer" during their grade school/scouting years:
I love to go a-wandering, Along the mountain track, And as I go, I love to sing, My knapsack on my back.
Chorus: Val-deri, Val-dera, Val-deri, Val-dera-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Val-deri, Val-dera, My knapsack on my back.
The song is the post-World War II creation of German songwriter Friedrich-Wilhelm Möller and originally was known in German as "Der fröhliche Wanderer", with German lyrics that go:
Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann, Und mir steckt's auch im Blut; Drum wandr' ich flott, so lang ich kann, Und schwenke meinen Hut.
Chorus: Faleri, falera, faleri, Falera ha ha ha ha ha ha Faleri, falera, Und schwenke meinen Hut.
Translating words like these from one language to another can be problematic. Linguistic purists may rightfully argue over the correctness of the above, most-commonly-accepted English translation. An alternative, no-less-exact, not-nearly-as-smooth-flowing English translation might easily read instead:
My father was a wandering man, And I have it also in my blood; I wander swiftly to the drum, as long as I can, And wave my hat.
Chorus: Faleri , Falera , Faleri , Falera ha ha ha ha ha ha Faleri , Falera And wave my hat.
A good German word to describe this impulse is "wanderlust"--defined by Webster as "a strong desire to travel." Aramcons are especially noted for suffering from this particular affliction. Many have found solace over the years as members of the Aramco ExPats Travel Club. Which brings us to the point of today's article. Volunteers are being sought to assume the leadership of the Aramco ExPats Travel Club. Someone or a group is needed who is willing and able to coordinate the club's activities. Aramcons have been planning travel activities since the start of Aramco. Help us help the Aramco community to plan travel activities. In past years, the club has sponsored such activities as luxury cruises in the Mediterranean, treks to Nepal, bike trips across America, social gatherings all over the world, and much more. We can do more than these activities. What about a Mystery Tour with your local Aramcons? Do you RV or do road trips? Will you organize a bus trip to a nearby sightseeing destination? Do you belong to a civic group such as Habitat for Humanity and would like to encourage others to help? Aramco ExPats needs at least one coordinator or a group of coordinators that would be willing to help organize and encourage Aramcons to travel together. Aramco ExPats will do all of the advertising and travel newsletters to help you get the word out to your fellow Aramcons. We have members around the world and need coordinators around the world!

With a dedicated membership of hundreds of present and former Aramcons, the Travel Club sports a core group of dedicated adventurers experienced in seeing the world and eager for new exploits to add to their lists. Whoever assumes this role can be assured of an audience of avid followers. Whether the next club-sponsored activity involves sitting around a campfire somewhere toasting marshmallows and singing scouting songs like "The Happy Wanderer" or feasting on haute cuisine in some swank Parisian eatery, it will assuredly be a moment to remember. If you are interested in taking on this role, please send an email to travelclub@aramcoexpats.com to receive more information. Your input is encouraged in terms of new directions for the Aramco ExPats Travel Club.

Whether you personally take part in each new club-sponsored adventure or not, you will have an opportunity to make new friends and open new doorways for fellow Aramcons in search of new ways to explore and enjoy life. Anyone interested in joining the Travel Club can do so by clicking on the Travel Club icon on the front page of the AramcoExPats.com website.