Greetings! Having just returned from the recent Aramco Expatriate Reunion in Orlando, Florida, we wanted to just say how lovely it was to see many of you! We also recently received an inquiry from a client about the differences between Reilly Financial Advisors and investment management companies like Vanguard or Fidelity, an inquiry we are all too familiar with. Because of the inquiry, we thought it may be helpful to explain the differences. Simply put, the two couldn’t be more different! RFA and investment management companies have two completely opposite goals; client-centric wealth management versus pure asset-collecting investment management. Some major differences:
- RFA is a full-service, client-focused, Financial Advisor
- Investment management companies are just that, investment managers
- RFA helps people understand how to take control of their financial future
- Investment management companies handle accounts
- RFA offers investment, financial planning, tax, estate and wealth management advice
- Investment management companies generally offer investment advice only
- RFA builds and manages our client's investment portfolios on the basis of a shared understanding of their unique, individual financial needs
- Investment management companies advise clients to utilize their proprietary products, like mutual funds, within their accounts for the good of the investment management company, not the client
Reilly Financial Advisors focuses on providing the client with the necessary investment objectives and investments within portfolios to promote client success. We don’t focus on the annual rate-of-return or beating popular indices, but rather on how much risk a client needs to take in order to reach all retirement goals. We view effective financial management as a broad, but essential, service that considers immediate priorities, longer-term goals, and even lifelong dreams. Wealth management with RFA provides a clear indication of how one financial decision could impact others you may be considering, which helps to provide enhanced personal control and better results. Our comprehensive service includes individual money management, tax consultation and preparation, financial analysis and planning, and direct access to expertise on a broad spectrum of related concerns from a team of accredited financial professionals. Our goal is to help every RFA client successfully navigate the path to personal financial stability over 20 to 30 years or more, not just until next quarter's performance summary arrives. We offer our fee-only services at price points that provide value far beyond the associated cost. Our client retention rate serves as testimony to that proposition. Frank Reilly, President and Chief Operating Officer, and Don Reilly, Chief Executive Officer, have been servicing the needs of Aramcons for over 35 years. We work with a number of retired and currently employed Aramcons and understand their specialized needs. If you would like to learn more about our services, please email us at rfa@rfadvisors.com or call us toll-free at 800-682-3237. Best regards, Reilly Financial Advisors rfa@rfadvisors.com 800-682-3237 As seen in Forbes magazine, Reilly Financial Advisors has been selected as one of the leading Wealth Managers in Southern California!
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