The monthly meeting of Ex-Saudi Aramco Employees Association (SAEEA) Sindh based held at Mr Sher Ali’s office, on August 01, 2011 at 1100 Hours. The attendees were as follows:

SAEEA Office Holders
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi
- Engr Iqbal Ahmed Khan
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Sher Ali
- Mohammad Abdul Matin
The meeting started with the recitation from Holy Quran by Mr Kamal Farooqi. Later all the members enquired about the health of Mr Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan.Alhamd–O-Lillah he has completely recovered and was present in the meeting. Mr. Kamal A. Farooqi President of SAEEA explained the activities took place during the month of July 2011. He pointed out the good health of Mr Ghulam Qutub Khan. He thanked Mr Mohammad Abdul Matin for bringing the receipt books to be handed over to Mr. Sher Ali and also for personal interest and efforts in collecting the subscriptions by visiting the registered members. It was reported that out of a total of 109 members only 44 have paid their subscriptions as of date. All members are requested to communicate with any of the office holders of SAEEA and arrange to pay the subscription as soon as possible. The convenient way is to call to the office bearer who is near to their residence and pay the amount. The subscription is Rs.1500 (Rupees Fifteen Hundred only) for the period July 2011 thru June 2012, the receipt will either be provided right away or later, for the paid subscription. Mrs Mahtab Saeed Khan as the Women Representative for SAEEA for the Marriage Bureau is out of the country and Inshallah will be back right after EID. In our last minutes of the meeting the e-mail address of Mrs Mahtab Saeed Khan was printed wrong and we apologies for this mistake. To receive the form, contact her at the correct e-mail address, which is We are happy that our members have started contacting her and she is working on three cases at present. We hope Inshallah this effort of SAEEA will be a success. As we are planning to have an Eid Milan Function, it was agreed that to assist the SAEEA Team for the said Function, Mr Aziz Ur Rehman, Mr Khalil Qureshi and Mr & Mrs Manzoor Shaikh & also Mrs Mohammed Abdul Matin be appointed to assist in organizing the function. The tentative date for the Eid Milan is fixed as September 10/11, 2011. The final date will be communicated to all Members soon. All the SAEEA office members are trying to find the suitable venue, in this respect we are planning to have a final meeting in the Mid of Ramadan. SAEEA wants to establish a Web page for the association and Mr Mahtab Saeed Khan CEO of HUMSAA offered the services of his company for this. The SAEEA is planning to meet Mr Sarwar M. Khan to discuss the details and requirement for action on the subject. We are still waiting from all the ex-employees of Saudi Aramco who are doing business to send the details of their business so that it can be passed on to other members for a possibility if it can be helpful to other parties and may be beneficial. This will bring all members close and the community of SAEEA will have fruitful results. Please do send the details as soon as possible. The indoor and outdoor activities participants of the organization are still sleeping nobody has put any offer in forming the teams. It is requested again by all members to come forward and form their team in any game like Bridge, Badminton, Cricket, Hockey etc. It will be highly appreciated to have something done before our upcoming Eid Milan Party. Parents are requested to encourage their young ones to come forward in this activity of SAEEA. The visit to our sick friends was conducted and we managed to visit two of our ex-employees, namely Mr Abdul Qadir Badge Number 72575 (1974 thru 1989) and Mr. Mohammad Asghar Fazli-Badge No 72307 (1956 thru 1983). It was great to see our old buddies after a long time. Mr Kamal Farooqi made Dua for Mr Abdul Qadir’s wife who died few months before and a fast recovery of Mr Abdul Qadir who had a minor accident on June 30, 2011 and his right arm was fractured. Both the ex-employees wanted the SAEEA Team to stay longer with them but since we had very short time in view of Ramadhan we could not make it. Mr M. Ashgar Fazli was very excited to see the SAEEA Team and being sick he insisted to drop the team up till the gate. The visit to our female members who are sick is also to be established and In Sha Allah we will ensure that it also starts after the return of Mrs.Mahtab Saeed Khan from Saudi Arabia. Last but not the least Mr Kamal Farooqi made Dua for the maghfarat of Late brother of Mr Saeed Khan who passed away in June 2011. The contact of Mr Saeed Khan is 03134571289 L/L 021-34571289. He also made dua for the Late wife of Mr Ovais Akram Ali who passed away on April 03, 2011. Mr Ovais A. Ali worked for Safaniya Producing Operations Department. He further made dua for the health of Mr Shahid Ali Qadri’s mother. She was admitted in Ziauddin Memorial Hospital but as soon as Mr Ghulam Qutub Khan came to know about it he requested Mr S. A. Qadri to transfer her to Saify Hospital where his son Dr Mohiuddin Qutub Khan is working in the ICU. We are very thankful to Dr Mohiuddin Qutub Khan who admitted her and gave her special treatment and Masha Allah she is recovering fast. The contact of Mr Shahid Ali Qadri is 03348998323. Further he made dua for the fast recovery of Mr Farogh Ahmed Siddiqui who is seriously ill. His contact is 021-34611720/021-34613511. We had a plan to visit him but could not do it as we stayed long at Mr Fazli’s place. The next Progress Meeting will be held on September 01, 2011 at Mr Sher Ali’s Office. If you have any question please contact Engr Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write Enjoy a gallery of photos from the August Meeting of SAEEA.