Kim and Alan McKeegan
Hi all, Al McKeegan (badge #2160) here,
When I first got turned on to your new site, I thought it looked like another site for mostly the ones who came to the field after 1960, and so, thought it might be another waste of my "Valuable" time...
But as that is about all I have left in life since I retired from Chevron, I guess I'll string along for a while and see what develops... First I'm going to have to figure out how to work this system so I can ramble on over a period of time instead of banging it all out at once... Got to remember, the brains are 73 years old and slowing down...
Many of my memories are mixed up with my folks, Helen and Barney McKeegan, and their friends from the early '40s, and mine from the later '40s and on.

Helen and Barney McKeegan
There are names that flit across my memory banks that make me wonder which side of the McKeegan family they belong on, like the Carnrick's or McCann's... I know my Dad was friends with the fathers and I can remember the kids; Raye, Marilyn, and Beverly, as well as many more... Phil Braun, Bill Gerrard, Dave Larkin, and on and on and on... These spring from my days as an early teenager in the field, but other names such as Ed Brady, Art Garparetti, Milo Cumpston, and Mal Phillips all come from my years in the '50s with the powerhouse gang in Ras Tanura, so you can see my confusion.
I'm in hopes that there might be a few of you out there that will find a fair, if not fond, memory when you see my name (Alan McKeegan) and feel the urge to say hello after all these years. My wife, Kim, says I am probably just being an old fool and that most of my contemporaries are either gone by now or have just forgotten me... Be that as it may, hope springs eternal...
Many of my memories are probably not as "FOND" as I'd wish, but I have to remember that they are clouded by a well-earned case of "Terminal Cynicism" over the past 60 some years... Anyway, I hope this finds at least one or two Old Hands that might find a spark of recognition at seeing my name and will want to say hello and I'd be happy to share a memory or two with one of the kids of my old Sadeeqi's...