Hardworking. Dedicated. Kind. These are the words most shared amongst the ABI board after learning of the untimely passing of one of our own. Dawn Kolb (DH92) was a steady presence on the ABI Board of Directors joining in 2005 as Class Rep Coordinator. Dawn's role evolved to include Website Director and Database Director over her 19 years of service to her beloved Brat community.
Beyond these roles, Dawn was instrumental in the success of our reunions...always one of the first to arrive and last to leave. Every member of the AramcoBrats, Inc. board worked with her in some capacity, and every member can attest to her commitment. We will miss her terribly.
Dawn touched so many Brats. If you paid your AdBak or needed to upgrade your membership level, Dawn was there to help you. If you ever registered for a reunion online, Dawn was there to assist. If you attended a reunion, you saw Dawn at Registration, and she was likely helping someone if not you. If you showed up early for a reunion, there was Dawn, in the wee hours of the morning, setting up and organizing the Raffle, Silent and Live Auction displays. If you submitted a Black Camel notice, Dawn helped you. And now we, the ABI board and the Brat community, send our dear friend, Dawn Kolb, peace be upon her, home on the Black Camel.
A Celebration of Life for Dawn is being planned for April 13th in Houston, TX. Details are pending - the outpouring of love for her is apparent! It's a challenge to secure a location that can accommodate the Brat numbers. For more information on the event and updates as they become available, please visit Dawn Kolb, Celebration of Life. Her friends will be creating a video of their favorite memories with Dawn; please share your favorites in this album for inclusion.