William G. Burmester
Funeral services were held this morning at the Dhahran Theater for William G. Burmester, who died unexpectedly last Thursday, July 12.
A veteran Aramcon and longtime Dhahran resident, Mr. Burmester joined the company in May 1950 as aircraft and engine mechanic with the Aviation Department. He subsequently held the post of senior aircraft and engine mechanic and later became senior specialist of the same function. In April 1968 he was named superintendent of aircraft maintenance and inspection.
Mr. Burmester is survived by his wife, Lori, and three children. Teri Ann, 18, graduated this year from Pinewood School in Thessaloniki, Greece; William, 17, attended Bahrain International School, and George, 14, is a sixth grader at the Dhahran School. [Photograph]
The Arabian Sun extends its apologies to George Burmester whose grade level was incorrectly given in last week's issue. George will enter the 9th grade this autumn.
On behalf of my children and myself, may we thank the many good people and the company for the help and sympathy they extended to us in our days of sorrow. Mrs. W. G. Burmester.