Rhea Putnam
Rhea Putnam, 89, of Holiday, Florida died September 1, 2010. He was Station Superintendent in Turaif, and later worked in Dhahran for Saudi Aramco. He retired in 1980.
He was fondly remembered by Gordon Clark for his impact on the lives of Tuarif teenagers when he built a Dune Buggy out of a Volkswagen Beetle. An article about one of these creations was published in a Saudi Aramco World article, Sand Sailer, in 1971.
Rhea is survived by his wife, Martha; children, Pam, Lyn, Stephen, and Peter; 12 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.
Arrangements by Holloway Funeral Home, Inc. Please call (813) 855-2439 for details.
Thanks to Bev Swartz and Gordon Clark for sharing their memories of the Putnams with Aramco ExPats.