John Andrew Kovachi
John Kovachi, 46, of Marietta, GA, died on October 19, 2011 of complications from heart disease resulting from a 30-year battle with systemic lupus. Father, Jan Kovachi, worked for Aramco for many years as a consultant and engineer.
John was well known in the BMX community. He was a BMX wheel builder and former BMX racer. Three articles have been written in well known BMX publications about John and his contributions to the sport.
John's father Jan writes, "he was only 46 years old, but the best son a father could ever have. I could fix many things, program systems, you name it, but was powerless to fix my son's problem. I loved him very much and miss him every day since he has gone. Life is precious. John was a gift from God and he is with him now."
Jan is trying to raise funds to purchase a headstone for John. He has asked that donations for John be sent to Jan A. Kovachi at 3843 Cowan Circle, Acworth, GA 30101 or contact him at 770-841-8168 for wiring instructions. Any and all donations received would be greatly appreciated.