Jack E. Kurtz
Jack E. Kurtz, senior inspector, Inspection Division, Engineering Department, died on Friday, Oct. 4 after a brief illness. Memorial services were held in the Abqaiq Theater on Monday, Oct. 7.
A longtime resident of the Gulf area, Mr. Kurtz arrived in 1945 as an employee of Bapco and remained in Bahrain until 1950, when he left for a two-year tour of duty with the United States Army. In 1953 he returned to join Aramco in Ras Tanura as a utilities inspector, and for the next 17 years he held a number of positions there in Utilities and Oil Operations. Moving to Abqaiq in 1970 as plant inspector, Engineering and Inspection, he was promoted last April to the position he held at the time of his death.
As a child in Oklahoma, Jack Kurtz became an expert at handling and training horses, an interest he carried on through the years. He was active in the Ras Tanura Hobby Farm, where he trained many of the horses and at one time served as president.
Besides his widow, Eileen, Mr. Kurtz is survived by two sons, John, 10 and Dan 8, and a daughter, Sara, who is 13. All are attending the Abqaiq School. Mrs. Kurtz may be contacted c/o M. Conroy, 88 Fairview Ave., Port Washington, New York, 11050. [Photograph]