J. A. Limbeck and N. Mclester
Boiler #1 at the Abqaiq power plant exploded Sunday, August 17th, shortly before noon. Two American employees, J. A. Limbeck and N. Mclester, died as a result of injuries sustained. P. J. Leonard, C. G. Winchell, Saleh bin Mohammed, Abdulla ibn Saeed, Ayed bin Mo'Ayedh, sustained injuries of varying degree.
An investigation is underway to determine the cause of the accident. Power has since been restored.
A boiler tube failure at boiler #6 in the Dhahran Stabilizer Plant, late Monday afternoon, September 22nd, resulted in the deaths of three employees. They are: Hassan Ibn Ali, #8472 Mutlaq Ibn Bijad, #1143 and John J. Loos. A 4th employee, Richard J. O'Conner, the boiler fireman, sustained painful bums attempting to turn off the boiler, and is now in the Dhahran Hospital.
Prior to her departure from Dhahran, Mrs. John Loos sent us the following letter:
Words are so inadequate but at this time I would like to thank each and every one of you in Arabia, for the many kindnesses bestowed upon me during Johnnie's illnes [sic] and death.
I would like to especially thank the Medical Department for the wonderful care and kindness given to Johnnie.