Ateeq Ur Rehman Khan

Ateeq Ur Rehman Khan, Aramco ID#71658
1965-1985, Former Saudi Aramco Agent (Pakistan),
Worked for O&IE and Budget Planning & Forecast,
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran
In the name of Allah most gracious most merciful
We all belong to Allah and to him we shall return
Ateeq Ur Rehman Khan (Badge No.71658) was born on August 13, 1935 in the city of Rampur Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. He completed his Bachelor of Arts from Rampur and migrated to Pakistan in 1958. He got married to Nazuk Jehan Begum in 1960.
He had five siblings, three sisters and two brothers. All the sisters expired and now his elder brother Mr. Waheed Ur Rehman Khan, 92 years of age, is retired and the younger brother, Mr. Shakeel Ur Rehman Khan, 77 years of age, works in a Poultry Farm in Karachi.

Ateeq Ur Rehman Khan and Nazuk Jehan Begum

Ateeq Ur Rehman Khan with Nazuk Jehan Begum and his two sons Rashid and Tariq
He joined Saudi Aramco in 1965 and stayed there working for O&IE and Budget Planning & Forecast departments up until 1985. After coming back to Pakistan he joined as Head the Aramco Recruiting Office in Karachi for one year. Later he established a towel industry and ran it successfully up until 1994. In 1995, his son joined and started the exporting of towels to the European countries which is still in operation. The company is run by his son Tariq Ateeq Khan.
He has three children, two sons, and a daughter;
- Eldest son, Dr. Rashid Ateeq Khan did his MBBS from Sind Medical College and is now in private practice.
- Tariq Ateeq Khan completed his Bachelor in Commerce from Government Commerce College and is now doing his towel manufacturing business and exporting them to European Countries.
- Daughter Salwa Kashif is residing in New Jersey, USA and where she is a housewife.

L to R Sitting: AS Mugnal, SM Ali, KM Ilahi, Ateeq Ur Rehman Late, Zaheer Beg Late, SA Khan, Habib Ibrahim, Maqsoolul Hassan
Standing: A Qudus, M Israil, OK Ali, IA Khan, Manzoor Shaikh, Kamal Farooqi, MN Qureshi, Mueenuddin
Once the towel business was well established, he handed it over to Tariq and only visited the factory for few hours. Most of his time was devoted to fourteen different Associations of Defense Housing Authority (DHA) in Karachi as Chairman.
He was a permanent Member of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) and a very strong pillar of the association. SAEEA Office Bearers were always receiving suggestions from him for the betterment of the association. We all missed him a lot.
On March 04, 2017, his last day, he visited both the towel manufacturing units from 10:00 AM till 4:00 PM and then went to the Defense Housing Authority and talked to all his colleagues until 6:00 PM when he came home where he left us all at 11:00 PM. He did not have any health problems. He was fit person, like a forty year old man. We all wish that ALMIGHTY grant him a good place in paradise and give strength to all his near and dear ones to bear this great loss, Ameen.
For Condolence:
Tariq Ateeq Khan
Cell No.: +92-321-822-3181