Please don't miss the boat. As our Hafla host writes to friends, "I hope that many of you who have not registered for the 2022 Hafla Cruise will do so early this week. It will be our first significant 'get-to-gather' in four years, and we do not want to forget our Aramco friends. We all lived, worked, and played together for many years.
As the registration months are rolling along, we have a "Hard Date" requirement for registration. To keep from paying the penalty, we will have to give back some reserved Celebrity staterooms that have not sold.
If you do not register in the next couple of days, you may have to book at a higher rate. Register now to lock in the current posted rates."
Your PASSPORT is required for all travel out of the county. If your passport has expired, you may still register for the cruise today. Celebrity recommends your passport be valid for at least six (6) months during the cruise. Check your passport expiration date carefully and realize it can take 8-11 weeks to process a new one.
And now, let's think about INSURANCE. We were spoiled in the past by Aramco's policy of Emergency Leave, but that safety umbrella won't be sailing with us. Medicare and most other insurance providers won't come to our rescue outside of the U.S. if illness, hospitalization, medical evacuation, or other crises happen. Click on General Information for Hafla 2022 Cruise and read all the insurance tips provided. Squaremouth offers search advice and lists companies' prices, policies, and reviews.
After you create a login, the site will remember and save searches so you can more easily compare options. You may purchase Travel Insurance any time until the day before the cruise, but it's wise to buy insurance now to qualify for benefits if unexpected events impact your trip.
Ready to pack? You bet!
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