On January 30, 2024 my grandchildren and son-in-law decided to organize a picnic tour of the Sydney Botanic Gardens in Australia.

“We are here because there are things that need our help. Like the planet. Like each other. Like animals. The world is like a garden, and we are its protectors”. - B.B. King
The garden entry was free on the weekdays with a fee charged on the weekends.

I, Mohammed Ifteqaruddin, Badge # 140948, Technical Advisor Mechanical Services, Ras Tanura Refinery, and my family are at the entry gate of the Botanic Garden.
A sculptured welcoming sign with the national animal “Kangaroo” was an added beauty at the entrance.

After entering the facility my grandchildren got excited by seeing a group of Ducks and fishes was welcoming us.

We saw a kangaroo was hopping and trying to find green bush to take a shelter under the greenery as it was summer and the temperature was 33 degrees Celsius.

Peacocks were roaming around its designated area.

My Granddaughter Hafsa thrilled to find another Peacock out of the fence that not afraid of human being.

The Huge Emu seeing us as we call them to come closer to us.

The Garden authorities has provided important information on board stand for the visitors.

On our return journey home, we took a tour of the Gallipoli Mosque and visited the golf course

My grandchildren Hafsa and Omer enjoying the decorated chandelier.

Backside of the Mosque a swing attracted Hafsa and she played.
We took a tour of the Sefton Golf Course facility and enquired about the rates to play.
After a full day of enjoyable, smashing sight visits, we all were hungry and looking for food.
We enjoyed dinner at the “Student Biryani”, a famous family restaurant. The food was tasty and delicious.

Overall it was a full-day informative tour with sightseeing.
“The fish in the water are silent, the animals on the earth are noisy, the birds in the air are singing. But man has in him the silence of the sea, the noise of the earth and the music of the air.” – Rabindranath Tagore