Saudi Aramco participated as a strategic partner in the 12th Professional Development Conference & Exhibition, organized in coordination with the American Society of Safety Engineers – Middle East Chapter (ASSE - MEC) to discuss a number of subjects in safety, industrial security, and environmental protection from Nov. 19 - 23 under the patronage of HE Lt. Gen Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Bahrain Minister of Interior, at the Gulf Convention Center in Bahrain.
Mr. Bader F. Al Qadran, Saudi Aramco Executive Director of Safety and Industrial Security, spoke about the important role of the human factor in ensuring safety and improving reliability. “The safety and security of our people and our industries are of great importance to both governments and our businesses. Safety is no longer just about meeting basic standards and requirements; it’s about the beliefs that must be instilled in people’s hearts and minds that will translate into their daily actions and behaviors,” he said.
Mr. Al Qadran also indicated the leading role of Saudi Aramco in managing industrial security and said, “Saudi Aramco has always promoted a culture of excellence, and its strong commitment to the safety of its people, facilities, and communities, resulted in the gradual maturing of safety management systems and guidelines, as well as engineering standards and codes, to a world-class level that allowed the company to achieve the safety records it holds today.”
The conference provided a platform to discuss the challenges facing governments and companies in ensuring safety and industrial and environmental security around the globe, especially in the Middle East. Leaders and professionals from government organizations, academic institutions, and oil and gas industries addressed those challenges by sharing their experiences and insights from using the latest innovative techniques developed in this field. The conference covered all aspects related to the industrial security and environmental protection of oil and gas industries, in addition to the safety of people working in this field.
Participants and attendees discussed several topics including risk management, the security of manufacturing industries, chemical materials storage facilities, and information security.
This conference comes in line with Saudi Aramco’s safety strategy where the company is keen to communicate its efforts in maintaining the safety and security of all of its facilities, as well as its information security programs with all employees and stakeholders.