SAEEA Members attended the meeting.
The progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on October 21, 2023. This was a video conferencing meeting.
The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF)
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Arif Qamar (AQ)
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- This was the 6th meeting of current year 2023.
- SAEEA 2nd newsletter delayed because of some technical difficulties. It will be released within a short period of time.
- SAEEA 5th SHERO-O-ADAB program delayed. This is mainly because of current Middle East situation. The program will be held once the situation becomes stable.
- SAEEA 27th reunion to be held in the beginning of next year (2024). AQ is working on this project and will provide his findings in SAEEA next meeting.
- In absence of MSH, MAM presented SAEEA accounts.
- KAF requested SAEEA office bearers to make survey to a local market for SAEEA souvenirs for distribution amongst SAEEA paid members. MAM to organize this visit very soon and will present the findings during the next SAEEA meeting.
- KAF prayed for sick Friend and DOA-e-Maghferagh for the deceased.
- SAEEA next meeting will be held on November 11, 2023.
If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on