Mahtab Saeed Khan, Engr IA Khan,
Munawar S. Khan, Shafiq Ahmed, Sher Ali,
MA Matin, Kamal Farooqi, and GQ Khan
SAEEA Monthly Meeting for November 2011
The monthly meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) Sindh based was held on November 01, 2011. The attendees were as follows:
- Kamal Ahmed Farooqi
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan
- Sher Ali
- Mohammad Abdul Matin
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan
- Mahtab Saeed Khan (Guest)
- Munawar Saeed Khan (Guest)
Following are the highlights:
- Mr. Kamal Farooqi, President of SAEEA, explained the activities that took place during the month. He appreciated the hard work of all the office bearers at all levels. Mr. Farooqi stated that it was brought to his notice that some SAEEA Members were under the impression that office bearers were having the monetary benefits through some sources. He further stated that all the office bearers were devoting their precious time and money from their pocket and had no hidden agenda whatsoever. All the activities of the association are running through the subscription and donations of the members.
- The suggestions given on the Evaluation Forms by 28 SAEEA members during the Eid Milan Function were discussed in detail and action taken accordingly. As of date, 147 members had filled the Membership Forms and it was suggested that every SAEEA Member be communicated to come forward and try to introduce new persons so that the membership be increased.
- The question of any increase in the yearly subscription be placed and decided at the next general meeting.
- Mr. Munawar Saeed Khan of HUMSAA Company was invited as a guest and he brought the template for the Web Site of SAEEA. It was demonstrated to all office bearers and suggestions were given to Munawar; and web designing job is in progress.
- Mrs. Mahtab Saeed Khan did not attend the meeting and Marriage Bureau activities are at low profile. It was suggested to Mrs. Mahtab Khan to accelerate the business by selecting a lady partner at her choice, who can help her.
- It is decided to communicate with SAEEA Punjab Province, in Pakistan and invite their Office bearers in our next function; Mr. Kamal Farooqi to coordinate.
- Office bearers visited Mr. Mumtaz Ahmad Farooqi for condolence as his elder brother Mr. Ayadh Ahmad died two weeks back. Mr. Mumtaz Farooqi came from Canada to visit the family. He worked for a long time with OSPAS Dhahran. Mumtaz filled out SAEEA Membership Form.
- A week back Mr. Abdul Latif Siddiqui of Power Distribution, (RT) came from USA to visit his family as his mother was seriously sick. Mr. Kamal Farooqi, Matin and two other SAEEA Members invited him in a local Restaurant on Hi Tea. Mr. AL Siddiqui (although out of country) filled the Membership Form and paid the subscription as well as donation.
- SAEEA wish all members a very Happy Eid Ul Adha.
The next Monthly Progress Meeting will be held on December 01, 2011. If you have any question or comments then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com. Enjoy more photos in the Aramco ExPats Galleries.