SAEEA Monthly Progress Meeting Minutes - February 2015
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) held on Feb 07, 2015. The attendees were as follows:
- Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK)
- Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK)
- Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM)
- Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH)
- Shafiq Ahmed Khan (SAK)
The highlights of the meeting were as follows:
- Kamal A. Farooqi (KAF), President, SAEEA was not available in the meeting as he had some other priorities. During the whole history of SAEEA (four and a half year), this was the first incident that KAF was not available. Therefore, Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan presided the meeting.
- IAK thanked MAM who providing his house for the meeting and arranged a very delicious lunch for all the attendees.
- IAK highlighted the activities occurred during the month of January and February, 2015.
- The meeting was held after two months as three office bearers were not available. It was mutually decided to hold the future meetings every other month. During this gap, SAEEA Office bearers may pay visits to SAEEA ailing Members and their Families.
- GQK will leave for Saudi Arabia in the first week of next month to attend Saudi Aramco KSA-2015 Reunion. IAK requested all attendees to provide feedback of pending case(s) to GQK for his discussions with the relevant departments while he is with Saudi Aramco.
- SAEEA’s Ladies Representative, Mrs. Younus Shaikh is planning to settle down in the United States. GQK contacted Mrs. Qamar J. Khan seeking her intention for working in place of Mrs. Shaikh. She agreed to perform the duties of Ladies Representative and will meet SAEEA Representatives soon. IAK requested MSH to contact Mrs. Muslameen to seek her intention as well in working with Mrs. Qamar. MSH will get back to us within a week’s time.
- IAK requested SAK to initially prepare SAEEA Identification Cards for office bearers only. SAK will work on this project and will provide his feedback within a week’s time. It is SAEEA intention to issue similar Cards to all paid Members later. SAEEA will shoulder the expenses of the Cards.
- IAK advised SAK to prepare SAEEA Compact Disk (CD) describing its activities. The same will be distributed among all paid Members. The same CDs will also be distributed to fresh retirees to enable them to know about SAEEA. SAEEA will shoulder cost of the CDs.
- SAEEA 12th reunion will tentatively be held during the current month. IAK advised MAM to visit local restaurants and provide his feedback soon.
- IAK informed all the attendees that SAEEA website is updated.
- SAEEA Representatives visited Aurangzeb’s house. He died last month in his home town, Abbottabad.
- MSH updated the attendees about SAEEA account and paid members.
- IAK prayed for fast recovery of all sick people, especially for MSH’s mother, Iftikhar Ahmed, Anwar Mirza, Jaleel and Farough.
Aurangzeb Khan and wife of Jamil Ahmed passed away last month. IAK made Doa-e- Maghferat for both. If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com