SAEEA Monthly Progress Meeting Minutes - December 2014
The monthly progress meeting of Saudi Aramco Ex-Employees Association (SAEEA) was held on Dec 06, 2014: The attendees were as follows: • Kamal Ahmed Farooqi (KAF) • Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan (IAK) • Ghulam Qutubuddin Khan (GQK) • Mohammad Abdul Matin (MAM) • Muhammad Salim Hamid (MSH) • Shafiq Ahmed Khan (SAK) The highlights of the meeting were as follows: •The meeting was held at the residence of Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan. KAF thanked IAK who provided his house for the meeting and arranged a very delicious lunch for all the attendees. •KAF highlighted the activities occurred during the month of November 2014. •KAF thanked IAK for preparing a very informative data for all SAEEA Members. This information will help in contacting the Members easily through land line/cell or e-mail. KAF requested GQK to contact all Members to make certain their continued interest and future attendance in SAEEA reunions. •During SAEEA 11th Reunion, a leading newspaper announced certain giveaways items for the children attended the picnic. Furthermore, the newspaper announced good number of giveaways items for ladies, gents and children during the forthcoming SAEEA’s 12th Reunion. SAEEA will distribute children items during the forthcoming 12th reunion. SAEEA will also distribute other give away items thru LUCKY DRAW or asking certain questions amongst all attendees during the 12th reunion and then distribute gifts to qualified persons. A Representative from the Newspaper also attended SAEEA meeting to know exact date of SAEEA 12th reunion to enable him to supply promised items ahead of time. •It was unanimously agreed in holding SAEEA 12th reunion at the beginning of next year; tentatively January 4, 2015. KAF is in contact with a Restaurant for reserving the place. •IAK informed all the attendees that SAEEA website is updated. •MSH updated the attendees about SAEEA account and paid members. •SAK is in process of designing SAEEA 2015 Calendar. The same will be distributed amongst SAEEA Members during the forthcoming 12th Reunion. •KAF prayed for fast recovery of all sick people, especially for MSH’s mother, KAF’s wife, Iftikhar Ahmed, Anwar Mirza, G.M. Abbasi, Mahmood, Jaleel and others. •Younger Brother of GQK, Mubeenuddin Khan, passed away two weeks ago. If you have any questions then please call Engr. Iqbal Ahmed Khan on +92-321-701-4929 or write to him on iqbalkhan.2010@live.com